(Y/N) was reading the magazine that Kisumi had recently had a photo shoot in. She smiled thinking about him. She missed him with all her heart. He was so far away though, and the tickets to America cost too much. She decided to turn on the TV.
"We are here live at the Photo shoot with the top youngest model, Kisumi Shigino." The camera points to him.
"It's good to be here, Karen." Kisumi said. (Y/N) continued to watch.
"Kisumi, we've been getting lots of questions on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, and the world is just dieing to know this one simple thing! Do you ever think you will get a girlfriend?"
"No." (Y/N) felt her heart sink. "Because I already have one." Shen then felt it rise back up. "I know I'm not really aloud to talk about her but she's just . . . . Everything to me. I don't know where I would be with out her. And she's just beautiful. Her (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. I just . . . . "
"Oh my. She sounds like a fine catch." (Y/N) continued to watch. Kisumi looked at the camera.
"Yeah. And I know your watching this right now, (Y/N). You support me through everything, and I love you for that." He makes his hands into a heart. "I love you baby. I promise we'll both have alone time one day."
"I love you too, Kisumi." She Smiled and touched the screen.
"Is there a reason why she can't come?" Karen asked.
"She's in a school in Tokyo so it makes it hard for her to come her since the money amount for the tickets are expensive. Not to mention she isn't the richest." Karen looked at the camera.
"You hear that folks!? It looks like Kisumi needs a little help!"
"What?" (Y/N) repeated.
"That's right! We're going to help you reunite with the love of your life! Folks, " she held up a picture of (Y/N). "Help this girl get to America for poor Kisumi to be happy. The winner that gets her hear will get . . . ." She looked at Kisumi and he whispered in her ear. "A free photo shoot with Kisumi!"
"He's actually helping her with this!?" (Y/N) yelled at the screen.
"Please find her. And bring her hear to America. Then I'll be able to smile with you." Kisumi gave a wink to the camera.
"What?" Just then lathe banging came at her door. She opened the door and saw a whole mob of girls in front of her house. "Um . . . . Hi?"
"Get her!" The mobs of girls grabbed her arms and each one tried to drag her away.
"Oh Kisumi this better be worth it!"
Time skip . . . .
Finally a random girl was able to manage to get (Y/N) onto a plane straight to America. The girl was Fangirling while (Y/N) just sat there.
"So, how is it like dating Kisumi?!" The girl asked.
"Um . . . . Well, it good. Great actually if I'm honest. He's the best thing that's ever happened in my life. I'm really excited to see him. Thank you for doing this. . . . Um. . . ."
"Oh. My name is Maki! And no problem!"
America . . . .
Kisumi was walking back in forth in his dressing room, nervously.
"Kisumi, sir, what's wrong?" His agent asked.
"I'm just really . . . . Nervous. I mean (Y/N) is going to have to go through a lot of drama and I want her to get here as soon as I can." He sat down in his chair. "I just want her here."
"Kisumi!" A familiar voice called. He turned and saw his security guard holding off a Fangirl and holding (Y/N)'s arm.
"Mr. Shinigo, the girl on the left claims to be your girlfriend. Is that so?" He asked.
"Yes!" Kisumi jumped over his chair almost knocking it over. "(Y/N)!" The security guard let her arm go a.d she ran straight to him.
"Kisumi!" She was embraced by him and spun around. He placed a bunch of kisses on her face before pulling her back into a hug.
"(Y/N), you're actually here." She giggled. He looked at Maki and walked up to her, giving her a rose. "Thank you for taking the trouble of getting her here. I will be pleased to see you again the photo shoot." Maki started squealing before being pulled out of the room by security. "Lila, do you mind giving me and (Y/N) alone time for a bit" he asked his agent.
"You got 20 minutes." She said while walking out. (Y/N) looked at Kisumi and gave him a smile. He smiled back and pulled her close.
"You don't know how much I missed you." He buried his face in her hair. "Your scent," he pressed his forehead on hers. "Your eyes," he then placed her hand on his chest. She could feel his heart beat. "Your touch," She smiled at his statement"Your smile," He then leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. She couldn't help but melt into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulled away and smiled. "And your lips."
"I wish I could say the same, but hen I would be copying you." He chuckled and leaned into her ear.
"Dance with me?" His voice sent shivers down her spine but she nodded. He put one hand on her waist and the other grabbed her hand. The two danced for awhile until his agent walked in.
"Times up, Kisumi." She said. Kisumi pouted and pulled away from (Y/N).
"Do you have any place to stay tonight?" he asked her.
"No. I could just go rent a hotel." She said. Kisumi immediately shook his head.
"No, no, no. I don't think so. Lila! Do we have guest room open for one more!?"
"Yes." Kisumi looked at (Y/N).
"Come sleep at my place tonight." He said.
"Really? Are you sure? I don't want it to be to much trouble."
"It's no trouble at all."
Later . . . .
(Y/N) was in a comfy bed in the guest room when she heard a creak at her door. She sat up and saw Kisumi in his PJ's, which was pretty much a pair of shorts. She smiled.
"Hey you." She whispered. He went over to the bed and gave her a kiss before lying right next to her.
"I thought you could use some company." He said. She snuggled into his chest.
"I'm glad you did." She drew littles circles on his chest with her finger. "It won't be long till I have to go back."
"I know. But until then, I wanna spent as much time as I can. With. You." He pulled her close. "I love you (Y/N)." She yawned.
"I love you too, Kisumi." With that they both fell asleep.
I hope you like this update!
Next up: Momo x reader!

Free x reader oneshots
FanfictionHi there guys. I know everybody who watches free really love the guys from there. So I'm creating a free x reader story. I know I could do it in my Anime character x reader stories but I have lots of ideas. N: Whoa! All theses readers are kawaii! Me...