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I coudnt see a thing but i felt aware of my surroundings. i felt a presence of someone familiar. at first i felt fine but emense pain grew in mt left leg. i let out a soft cry and hat tears ran down my face.

"j-juvia?" a voice said. one that i had use d to fall head over heels hearing. now i was unsure about my feelings towards them. one moment they were killing me, the nest saving me. i was frustrated on who i could trust.

" you'r concious!" grey said in slight excitement. i wanted to see the cause of this pain and what i could do to resolve it. i forced my eyes open to see my misfourtune. my leg was replaced with a metal one.

"oh my god... oh my god.." i panicked. more hot tears ran down my face. "no! no! no!" i yelled once again.

"Juvia! its okay!" grey reassured me. well... at least tried. he put his hand out to comfort me but i quickly slapped it away and cried harder.

"you don't understand grey! ill never be use full to the guild! i'm weak! you will never understand my pain! your accepted and loved! i loved someone and they tried to kill me!" i yelled at him and instantly regretted it. his once happy expression was washed over with a tide of sadness. he looked down and tried to say something but was at a loss for words.

"i-i'm..." he choked on his words.

"what is it grey! tell me!" i demanded at him to tell me. i looked him straight in the face and a tear escaped is dark blue cold empty eyes. "J-just tell me..." I started to feel my anger for him flush out of me with feelings of sadness and mourn
"I...I just love you!" He yelled and hugged me. I was startled by his sudden gesture and didn't know how to react except cry even harder causing him to cry harder.
"I... I love you too." I said. But I lied. I didn't know my feelings for him. I didn't know if I should trust him or love him.
"How could you love me... after all the horrible things I did to you... he released me and I felt the atmosphere around us grow tense.
"I didn't know the pain I caused you until Porlyusica figured it out... a Demond from a dark guild took over my body in order to slowly kill the guild." He said putting his head down in shame.
"G-grey..! I...wha...!?" I was confused on when this news was brought up.
"I'm sorry I should have told you. When you were unconscious Porlyusica did some tests on me cus she felt something was wrong with me. Turns out she was right..." he explained to me. I was still in shock about this and my mouth was agape.
"Juvia... I know what I did and I hate myself for that. I haven't shown my face to the guild since everyone came to visit you and, news got out..."
"So all of that... you didn't mean it?" I asked. I was testing him to see what all he knows.
"Everything was out of my control. I'm sorry... I don't even know what all I did, all I know is that I hurt you."
"That kiss, your affections to me, your kind and loving words... all ment...nothing!?" I was shaking and clenching my fist I frustration. He says he loves me but then says he didn't mean anything.
"I can't answer that right now... i don't know!" He stormed out of the room.
"what do you mean grey!" I yelled after him sniffling. I could hear him crying in the other room. My heart softened for him. He was just as frustrated with his feelings as I was. I realized I wasn't the only one fighting against my feelings. He was too..

GHHH HAI!!! okay I'm starting to get back on a writing schedule slowly... I might update every day or every other day. I'll definitely start updating every day of the weekend but I refuse to update ahead of time... I'm the mean time if you want to entertain your self I recommend watching YURI!!! ON ICE
OHMYGOSHOHMYGODDAMN ITS LIKE MY FAV ANIME RN it only has 1 season as I'm writing but it's sooo good! This whole weekend I watched it accompanied with lots of instagram posts on it and a nice cold cup of green tea :3 yum ok BYEEEEEEE MUAH

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