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~A year later after the betrayal of my first friend~

"New year! New me." I said while jumping up and down. It was a tradition that our siblings and I do to try and get taller every new year.

It was a silly belief that we would even get bigger but I didn't want to destroy the hopes of my 11 year old twin brothers who wanted to be taller than their height as of now, which was a measly 4"7.

"Are you guys excited for school?" I asked the twins while messing their hair. They groaned in frustration and slapped my hand out of their hair.

"Yeah, I'm stoked to go back to school sis" Mark said. However, Mike scoffed and retorted that Mark was just thrilled because he was going to see his crush Maya.

"Someone's got a crush!!" I said in a singing teasing voice. Mark just shoved me and told me to not speak about it to anyone, especially Mia, Maya's sister.

Mia happens to be my closest friend and I was really excited to see her. I am a bit bummed though that I cannot tell her that my brother has feelings for her sister.

~Jan. 4~

"Carissaaaaa!! I am so excited to see you!" Mia shouted while squealing so loud that the whole cafeteria turned their heads and looked at us, and the teacher by the door glared at us.

I shot all of them an apologetic look and turned to Mia. "Quiet down, would you? Why are you so excited anyway?"

"It's almost my birthday!!!! I can't wait for it!" Oh right, I forgot that it's her birthday in four days.

"Oh yeah right! So ummm are you having a birthday party?"

"Yeah duh! I'm planning to just invite people to the mall and watch movies like Percy Jackson maybe."

"Ohhhh okay, who are you planning to invite?"

"Well I'm planning to invite Lanie, Peter, Dan, Tyler, Alex, and other people. I already sent the invitations to them!"

"Oh, you did?" I was confused as to why I didn't get an invitation but I never asked about it at all. I just thought that she didn't invite me since my parents might not allow me. I guess I was wrong.

The day after her party, she left me to eat all alone and started hanging out with the "cool" and popular people. I should have gotten the hint but I guess I was blinded by her nice attitude and sincere smiles, which were all fake. As I think back to these events, I can only think of myself as a naive little girl.

Well at least I knew that day, I lost another friend.

I went home feeling dejected and I just crashed on the bed not caring if my bag was just on the floor, or that I was still wearing my uniform. A few moments later, I fall asleep. 

"Carissa dear, are you okay?" My mother asked, with a look of worry plastered on her face. I shot her a confused look and she replied, telling me that I had been screaming and trashing all night. I guess that explains why my body feels sore.

I looked around to see that all the sheets were on the floor and the room was a mess over all. I tried to get up but a flash of pain in my ribs shot through me. My mom immediately sat down by my side and asked, with concern plastered on her face, how I was feeling.

"It's alright mom, I'm fine. I think I broke my ribs though."

"Oh no dear, let's just bring you to a doctor okay?"

I just nodded and my mom helped me up. We ended up going to a doctor a little bit in the afternoon since my mom was busy and my dad was in the other side of the town, taking care of some business.

After a few examinations, I found out that I didn't really break my ribs but I did have a bruise. We thanked the doctor and left.

We got home, and my mom left me to go rest and take the day off from school.

No one would care anyway if I was absent or sick, not anymore. I thought bitterly.

Hi guys! I hope that you like this and if you did, please do vote and comment.

Edit (2/25/17)
I just realized I posted the wrong chapter whoops! So you've seen the third chapter already hehhehe! Anyway, I fixed it!

Copyright © 2017 by Natasha0006
All rights reserved

{This chapter is dedicated to joymoment for voting in this book and the other one!}

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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