Birthday Skype Date

629 34 11

3d person POV
"Happy birthday!" Leo exclaimed, "I can't believe you're 18!"

"I know! Also I got the box you sent me! Should I open it on camera?" Guang Hong asked.

"Yes," Leo excitedly replied, "obviously!"

Guang Hong fumbled with the box for a second, fingers slightly shaky because Leo looked so enthusiastic. You could always tell what Leo was feeling when he talked to Guang Hong --mainly love-- but Guang Hong could always tell how Leo was feeling. He was just an expressive person, so his hyper demeanor made Guang Hong question what was in the mysterious box. The box was relatively small, and it felt pretty light.

Leo's POV

Leo smiled and jokingly shook the box, I hope he likes it...

Leo flipped over the card, a pastel blue one with some white ice skated on it. On the inside I wrote Happy Birthday, Guang Hong! Have a fantastic birthday! Te amo y te extraño mucho! Also I made you a spotify playlist, I'll text it to you. Te amo, Xiao-Ji <3

There was a pink tinge creeping up on Guang Hong's face and I felt a small amount of pride at making Ji happy, not that it was hard, he was just so adorable when he was happy.

"Really? Another Spotify playlist? He giggled lovingly.


"I was joking, I love them!"

'Fine. Are you going to see what's in the box or not?"

"I am! I am!"

His mouth dropped open as he peered down into the box with awe.

"Oh my goodness! Did you make this? I love it! Wo ye ai ni!" Ji exclaimed squeezing the stuffed lion as hard as he could and burying his face into it.

"I did make it actually, it took about three attempts. I am not a crafts person."

Ji laughed, he was always the artsy one out of us. "Thank you so much! I love it!" He walked over to the bookshelf in his room, "I'm going to put it-- aah!" I smiled as he tried-- and failed, to put the stuffed lion on the top shelf of his bookcase and then opted for the next one down. "There," he said with a smile. "Did you make it a lion--"

"Because my name is Leo? Yeah," I interrupted.

I watched as Ji sat back down on his bed, smiling. "That's cute. I like it."

"I'm glad you like it! It's too bad we couldn't celebrate your birthday together..."

"Maybe we'll get to spend your's together!"

"I hope so. I miss you, Ji"

"I miss you too! I hope we can see each other soon!"

"Me too."

I could barely hear someone yelling from somewhere else in the house. Leaning away, Guang Hong yelled, "Okay! One second!"

"Anyway I have to go, I wish I could keep talking!"

"Bye! Have fun!"

Ji continued to be adorable by blowing a kiss at his computer before waving goodbye to me.

Thirty seconds later I got a text from Ji. I miss you! <3 with a image of the lion on his bookshelf attached.


This was my first fanfic so I hope it was okay. If you have any tips for me feel free to share them.

Anyway, happy birthday to Guang Hong, I'm thirty minutes late. I got distracted by a tumblr blog about sniffing birds...

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