Jealous Leo at A Comp Also I Can't Name For Shit Can You Tell? by Fall Out Boy

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Based on this:

Guang Hong's POV

Even before Leo and I had entered the building, we heard the distant screams of fans who were here to watch the competition.

"Who died?" Leo joked as he look down at me with a smile. I giggled and gave him a little shove. "You're so immature!" I accused, wondering how I someone this cute would date me.

Leo's POV

Leo looked up at me with a silly yet adorable grin, this boy will be the death of me. My shitty webcam didn't even start to show how beautiful this boy is. Anyway, we were here for another skating competition, and we were finally together again. As soon as we heard we were going to be skating at the same competition, we spent two or three or five hours making plans on skype.

"Wow. The Yuri's angels seem pretty dedicated this year," Guang Hong pointed out.

They even had banners with his face on them. How do they even do that? It was only announced that Yurio was competing here a few days ago. How is it even possible to get all those banners in a few days? What kind of connections must they have?

"Yeah," I replied. "How do you get that many banners in three days?"

"They probably have a stash, for emergencies," he concluded.

"Surprisingly, I don't doubt tha--"

I was cut off by an excited shriek and "HIII!! I'm Sarah!"

A girl with long, curly brown hair walked up to us.

"It's so great to meet you!" she said in a low flirtatious voice to my boyfriend. Yeah My Boyfriend. This bitch better back off or there will be hell to pay!

"Hey, can I get a selfie?"

"Yeah, sure!" Leo said leaning into the frame.

"It was actually super cool meeting you," She is not about to do this. There is no way she's about to do this. Guang Hong and I aren't touchy, but like everyone knows we're dating, so if she does this...

"You're like super cute! We should get drin--" Oh HELL NO! There is no way! I can't believe this!

Suddenly, without thinking, I grabbed Guang Hongs face. Locking eyes with Sarah or whatever she said her name was, I kissed Guang Hong. Like really kissed him. With all the endorphins I could really feel him tensing up, suprised, then relaxing and leaning into me. He wrapped his arms around my neck for support. As he smiled as he did so, and when we broke apart his neck and face were a dark crimson red.

I turned to the girl, who had also gone red, and she stammered, "O-oh," before running off.

"What was that about?" Guang Hong questioned.

"Oh you really are oblivious," I laughed, taking his hand and kissing his forehead.


Hey! Thank You for reading, I'm going to and update every Sunday (haha that's not happening) and also more often during the week just randomly (LIES)! Also, I would love it if you voted, it really motivates me. Im new to publishing my fanfiction so if you have any tips please share them with me. I was wondering if I should also write it from Guang Hong's perspective so maybe I'll write it and post it on Wednesday or sometime this week. Is that a good idea? I don't know. Sorry, its really short! 

Also if anyone has any nicknames for either of them please comment them because it'd be cute and writing "Guang Hong" all the time is annoying.  

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