Jealous Leo at A Comp Also I Can't Name For Shit Can You Tell? Pt 2

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Based on this:

Sequel to this: (you just read it so this is unnecessary isn't it)

Sorry if this is Shit, I'm Sick and Want To Die Also I Don't Feel Like Editing. Someone Kill Me.

Guang Hong's POV

In the distance Leo and I heard the screaming of fans in the stadium.

"Who died?" joked my boyfriend, looking down at me with a silly grin.

We were walking side by side.

"You're so immature!" I teased. And adorable too...

We weren't much of a PDA couple. Mainly because I got embarrassed when we were even just holding hands; not because I was I was embarrassed to be with Leo, I love him, but because both of us were just generally awkward in public.

I smiled at Leo, "Wow, the Yuri's angels seem pretty dedicated this year."

They had banners with Yuri's face on them, along with a surprising other amount of accessories for the three days they had to get it prepared. They really should be cosplayers.

"Yeah," I agreed. "How do you get that many banners in three days?"

"They probably have a stash for emergencies," he smirked.

"Surprisingly, I don't doubt that--" I started to say before a scream of "HIII!! I'm Sarah!"

"Uh, hi!" I responded, surprised at the sudden confrontation.

"Its great to meet you!" she said. Oops. I already forgot her name.

"Hey, can I get a selfie?" she asked, pulling out her phone.

"Um sure!" I replied, fixing my hair.

When she pulled out the camera on her phone I caught a glimpse of Leo-kun's expression. He looks really angry for some reason. What's wrong? Are you upset? I wanted to ask.

Leaning into the picture I tried to shake the thought from my mind-- maybe it was just a weird angle...

Click! Click! Click! went her iPhone. Leo-Kun still looks upset... I hope he's okay.

"It was actually, like, super cool meeting you," she started to say, twisting her hair between her fingertips.

Leo still looks angry... I noticed, concerned.

"Anyway, you're like super cute! We should get dri--" she started to say before she was pushed out of the way and I was jumped on. I jumped as I felt some strong hands on my shoulders.

"Mmph!" I started to freak out before realizing it was only Leo. He did just cut off whatever that girl was saying. Eh. I wasn't paying attention anyway.

I leaned into Leo, warm compared to the cold contrast of the skating arena and wrapped my arms around his neck. He shirfted his posture because he is quite a bit taller than me and I stood on my tiptoes to reach his slightly chapped lips and to run my hands through his soft hair. I relaxed and Leo slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. My heartbeat was racing in my chest as I kissed him back and smiled into the kiss. It was moments like this I knew we were just meant to be. Despite living on almost opposite sides of the world.

When we finally pulled apart, Leo's hand stayed on my hip.

The girl --Sarah? Suzie?-- looked kind of horrified and almost ran away when Leo said "Bye, Susan!" Instead she mumbled a feeble "Oh." before walking off.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Oh you really are oblivious." My grinning boyfriend replied, slipping his hand off my waist and lacing our fingers together.

"I'm not!" I protested.

"Sure." He responded, kissing me on the forehead.

"Hey! I'm not!"

Hi! I've been super sick recently, this was supposed to be out on Wednesday! Oops! >.<

What did you think? Also If you have any nicknames for them that would be great!

Thanks for reading, I try to update every Sunday and randomly throughout the week! Please vote on this and leave a comment if you liked it! 

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