Letter One.

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As you probably guessed, it's me. Me and the boys have no idea why you did this. Right now, in fact, I can hear Tristan sobbing hysterically and it's been months. James doesn't go the gym half as much anymore. He eats a hell of a lot more and doesn't care anymore. Connor keeps his feelings bottled up which isn't healthy, and to be honest my love, he doesn't look all that healthy in general.

Me? I'd say i'm the worst. Not by appearance, since my emotions are being conveyed to you through these letters. Through no physical sense, I imagine you can see this. In case you can.. I miss you. I miss you being here next to me, where you belong. I miss your touch, the way you'd play with my hair on lazy days and the way you always made me feel safe. Most of all, my love, I love you. So, so much.

The boys, as I said, are not coping all that well. The fans, they help all they can. Once a cheery trio, now a gloomy quartet missing a member. You, my love. I'll never truly know what persuaded you to do this, was it me? Connor blames himself. James blames himself. Tristan blames himself. I blame myself. Will we ever know, my darling Bradley, or will it be an anomaly left to the gods? 

Just now, Tristan burst into the room, hearing my helpless sobs, matching his. We sat and comforted each other in silence, rocking back and forth. I completely broke down, my love, and for once I didn't feel the need to hide it. 

Tears helplessly stream in a constant trail, and eventually your other two best friends caught on. Comfort was out of the question then, all four of us letting down the defences we'd attempted to build over the months. Will we ever know, truly know?

The youngest one, the newest addition, still refuses to accept the situation. A long getaway, he's calling it. I don't have the heart to tell him. Would you really do this to us willingly? After saying forever and always surely you would have told me? My love, tell me why.

I can't get escape a theory that's in my head, dear Bradley. I'm determined to know if it is what I think. 

I can't escape another thing. No matter what happens, my love. I'm hopelessly devoted to you.


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Twitter: (@)parodyvamps

Hopelessly Devoted - Bradley Will Simpson.Where stories live. Discover now