Letter Eight.

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It was today I began my, let’s say, adventure. Mission, even.

I waited until the dead of night before creaking open our bedroom door, and creeping out from the solitude onto the landing, careful to not make enough noise to wake up any of the boys, whose doors were all open just slightly.

I peeked in each of their rooms before leaving, confirming I wouldn’t be interrupted.

First was Connor’s room, the one furthest away from our own, I decided to work my way up towards the stairs.

As I peered into his room, the thing that stuck out most prominently – to me, anyway – was the half-empty bottle of sleeping pills on his bedside table, which has been lazily attempted to have been hidden with a handkerchief or something similar, but it practically slipped off completely, leaving the bottle of pills in plain view.

At first I assumed the worst, but then I realised he was only just in a light slumber, appearing that even a sound of a pindrop would cause his eyes to snap open. He deserved some rest, at least up until one of them notices my absence.

Next up was James’ room. I, again, peered in slowly and inaudibly, and he was thankfully asleep. Although not in a deep sleep, it was enough to work with. I carefully closed the door until it was only slightly ajar, and breathed a sigh of relief that so far I was safe and free to leave.

Last up was Tristan’s room, and I prayed he didn’t hear me getting ready and the floorboards softly creaking as I checked on the others. I quietly pushed the door open and peered my head around it, to be met with his sparkling eyes staring right back at me.

I cursed under my breath and stepped back out of the room, hoping to be unnoticed.

I ignored the ‘get back here’ whisper and dashed down the stairs. Grabbing our notebook, keys and whatever money was scattered around the table – most which was strategically placed earlier in the day – and made my escape, all before your best friend managed to run after and stop me.

Running down street after street, it reminded me of our early days. You remember, don’t you?

I had nowhere to go, and you did. You had a home, a roof over your head, and every night you left the luxury to sneak out and meet me, and we’d just go. We’d run, we’d laugh. We’d visit somewhere we’d never visited before, and spend the next day there.

We’d run through countless streets, heading to nowhere in particular. We’d end up wherever we’d end up, there was no schedule. As long as we were together it didn’t matter in the slightest, that’s what you’d say.

I’d make a lame joke about if we were held hostage together, you’d laugh and tell me you’d get us out of it, somehow. Then you’d pull me closer than ever, smile through the proceeding kiss then begin to play with my hair as I created millions of unrealistic situations.

We’d spend the rest of the night just talking about our hopes and dreams, and you’d always conclude with the same overused, cliché answer, that still managed to make everything okay, even just for a minute.



But, there’s no point in living in that memory any longer. I’m not at home, I don’t have the boys to snap me out of the pointless daydreams. None will bring you back to me, none will provide any physical closure.

Dodging various nightlife creatures taking over the streets and the occasional drunken male gropes, I managed to arrive at my destination unscathed.

I checked my phone for no particular reason, and upon seeing the blank screen signalling no new notifications I couldn’t help but feel a little… anxious.

I knew it was coming, the day the boys relinquish their patience with me, and I had a strong feeling today would be that day. As soon as James and Connor wake up, Tristan will tell them. And then, my love, I’d imagine they’d give up. I would. Even you probably would.

I know I’m not being conventional or even rational about even thinking about what I’m doing before actually doing it, but you did always say you loved the rebellious nature I had lurking beneath the seemingly normal form.

After checking all around me and I was sure nobody was chilling in the shadows, I made my ascend into the building. Would I do this normally? No, no way. But, for you? I’d do anything. Absolutely anything.



Besides, I’m hopelessly devoted to you.


I'm honestly hoping you just don't hate this one, because i'm not sure about it if i'm being truthful.

But, let me know what you think by leaving a vote and comment?x

Lots of love,

Authoring xoxoxoxox

Twitter - (@)parodyvamps 

The song for this chapter is Superluv by Shane Dawson. Maybe i've used this song before, but it's one of my favourites so if I have it's here again. Love it, embrace it, and give it a listen in the sidebar if you haven't already x

All the songs I put in the sidebar are genuinely one of the songs I listen to whilst writing the chapter, so that's how to get in the authoring state of mind whilst writing, in case you want that.

Hopelessly Devoted - Bradley Will Simpson.Where stories live. Discover now