Please Read ..

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Hello there lovelies, sorry to interrupt your days with this non-chapter but it would mean the world to me if you could read on. (The final letter of this story is more than likely going to be the next thing I update, though)

As you may or may not know, i'm in my final year of college and am starting to apply for universities and whatnot (terrifying for me, but that's irrelevant at the moment) and since what I will be applying for is a creative writing course (which some of you may think is stupid, it's what I feel i'm best at), I spoke to my personal tutor and we spoke about ways that I could show I was unique to others applying for the same course with the same grades.

We spoke about online stories (not that I said what I write, but again that's irrelevant) and she said that having an online following is one of the best things possible. This is not meant in a gloating way, I know I don't deserve any of the readers I have, but I will ask a favour of you, the fab person reading this.

Please let me know in the comments below or via a pm one or more of the following:

How would you define my writing style?

What made you stick with me and my writing?

What (if anything) makes my writing unique to that of others?

Would you recommend a piece of writing to anyone else? (and if you already have - first off I love you a lot - what did you say to them?)

Anything else you want the university/ external bodies to know about my writing, from a reader's perspective (honestly just anything you think they should know about me).

Normally I wouldn't ask such a big task of you, but please, even if you're a 'silent reader' as they're known, please just comment this one time and let me know your opinion to the above questions, you have no idea how much it will help me out.

Stay amazing, and sorry for being annoying with this xx

Hopelessly Devoted - Bradley Will Simpson.Where stories live. Discover now