Prince of Tennis: U-17 Camp Mystery

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A strange group of boys came in wearing a British printed jacket. One of them was a small boy wearing a hat and had a long hair tied in to a pony tail. His hat covered his eyes. One of his team mates was walking beside him while the others were walking ahead of them. Atobe noticed this and walked toward the boy in hat.

What do we have here? Atobe said leaning forward to the little boy.

Mind your own business. The man standing beside the boy placed his hand on Atobe's shoulder. The other boys walking ahead of them started to form a circle with Atobe and the two on the middle.

Who do you think you are? One of them said.

It's best if you leave. The man said.

One of the boys walked towards Atobe and grabbed him by the collar.  Tye boy in hat raised his hand in to a stop and the man looked at him.

Very sorry. The man bowed.

The boy in hat didn't say anything. As he passed by Atobe, who was now released by the man, looked at him. The other boys walked back in their places and walked like nothing happened.

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