제 2 장 [Chapter 2]

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It's been 2 days since Jungkook doesn't call me and today is the third day. I heard that the concert ends at 8.00PM so it means that he has a lot of time at least to send me a message or maybe to call me but he didn't. I keep sending him messages but he doesn't reply even once, this makes me getting angry and worried at the same time.

"Min Jae-ya, are you okay?" Sa Ra suddenly sit next right next to me with her bottle water, "I'm just getting angry with this boy" I answered but still looking at my phone hoping that he will replying my message or maybe call me.

"Who? Kookie?" Sa Ra decreasing his voice when she mentioning Jungkook's name, "Of course, you know it's been 3 days and he doesn't call me or sending a message, it's okay I know he might be tired but at least answering one of my messages and that's enough" I'm squeezing my phone. "Whooa chill out!! You need to drink it first" Sa Ra give me her bottle water and I'm drink it 'till exhausted, "Maybe he is too busy" Sa Ra said.

"Busy?? Busy with what?? I heard that the concert ends at 8.00PM so that means he has a lot of time to use his phone, right?"

"Maybe he used that time for practicing new choreography with another member, or maybe he is too tired. There's anything possible at the concert Min Jae so please think positive"

"I'm try it, but I can't, you know the last time I'm trying to think positive about him?" Suddenly a bad memories come to my mind and that's when I heard that Jungkook get caught by the cameraman that he and one of a girl group member talking so close and Jungkook even look almost kissed her.

"Did he already make a promise to you for not flirt another girl group member?" Sa Ra makes me remember about the last day we've spent together. "Yes he did but still I feel so... ohh my gooodd!!" I'm squeezing the empty bottle to calming myself down

"Min Jae-ya, try to trust him. He is your boyfriend right?" Sa Ra petted my back the last time before joining practicing with the others.

Trust? How can I? He already ruins it for many times and I don't know how I still loved him even he already ruining my trust for many times. But maybe Sa Ra is right I need to trust him, he already promised to me before.

I'm walking to joining the other member who was lying on the floor feeling exhausted, because of our practice today is too hard, but thinking about him is much much much harder than our practicing today.

"Oh guys listen!" Min Ah sit up once he got news from her phone, "What happen?" The other member copying her to sit up, "I've read in the social media that one of the BTS member get caught by the fan's camera, the BTS member look hugging a girl at the rooftop of their hotel" Min Ah widen her eyes when he read the caption of the photo.

Right now I only can pray that that member isn't Jungkook, maybe it could be Jimin or Taehyung or maybe the other, that couldn't be Jungkook. I can see that Sa Ra is looking at me worriedly but I'm pretend to be look okay in front of her

"Can I look the photo?" Min Ah hands me her phone and I see a guy with a black jacket hugs one of a Twice member and that's Na Yeon. The picture has edited with blur effect but I think I still can recognize who he is with the white shoes and a red scarf that I gave to him as his birthday present. Of course it's Jungkook!!

My heart broke into a pieces and I think I'm started to cry, "Thank you, I need to go to the toilet" I'm running out of the practice room and the tears started to run down trough my cheeks.

I still can't believe that Jungkook unfulfilled his promise to me. My tears started to roll down even more and more every time I remember about that pict.

Suddenly an 'I know' song played on my phone and I can see Jungkook name pooped out, Jungkook calls me? Maybe he wants to give an explanation about his or maybe he will be pretend to think that everything is all right.

Too Many Sorry | Jungkook BTS FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ