제 6 장 [Chapter 6

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Today was so fun with Jungkook, we're going to the beach, playing with the sands, enjoying sunset and also eating a lot of crabs. There's no gadget or electronic things today so it's full of our happiness.

All the way we're going to home we just talking about the fun things, singing and trying to guess the songs that the radio played until I'm tired and deciding to sleep

[Jungkook POV]

Min Jae is sleeping now, her hair covers her face so I don't really know if she is sleeping for real or just pretend to be sleep, but hearing his light breath I think she is already in her dream land now, it was a fun day until I'm forgot that I've a promise to someone this night.

I'm turning on my phone quietly and there's like 5 messages coming from one person. I smiled when I know who was that

[Min Jae POV]

I felt my neck is so hurt now, it's maybe because of my position isn't in the right way. I want to fix my seat but I heard that Jungkook is on call so I'm just pretend to be sleep and spying on him.

"Mianhae, I'm promise I will be replying your messages as fast as I can hehe" He is laughing happily, who is he calling with? Why did he looked so happy??

"I think I have a schedule at that time so I can't, how about tomorrow night?? In our usual restaurant?" He smiled again "Jinjjaa???! So okay I'm promise this is the last time I do it, so see you tomorrow" He ended the call and turning off his phone.

I'm yawning and trying to act that I'm awakened and it's got his attention "Oh you're awaken?? Is it because the music is too loud?" he decreasing the music. I'm shaking my head and smiled

Actually I want to ask him who-is-she? But I think he will know that I'm spying on him, so all I can do is pretend that I'm not hearing anything.

"Jungkook-ah, can I use my phone now" I asked him and he nodded. The first thing that I see after I'm turning it on is messages from Sa Ra and Jimin, they send a lot of messages today hehe.

"Why are you smiling?? Do you get any messages from someone?" Jungkook suddenly bragged into my replying-messages time that make me jumped in surprise but I'm trying to hide it, "Nothing It's just from Sa Ra. She missed me already" I lied, I don't want to tell him that I'm also got messages from Jimin.

"Jungkook-ah, can we hangout tomorrow?? I want to eat tteokbokki at my friend's restaurant?" I'm asked, I bet all of you know why I asked him to get out tomorrow. Yeah!! I want to prove that he isn't going to playing with another girl anymore.

"Sure" He said and I'm smiling like craz y now "At 11AM I will pick you up" My smile disappears slowly after he said this, "No- umm I mean I can't because I have a magazine photo shoot so can we go at night??"

He looks thinking hard now, I can recognize it easily because I know everything about him. The way he looks at the road is shows him that he is thinking about something now

"So how's Jungkook?? Yes or no??" I asked him once again and he let out a big sighed "Mianhae, but I have a promise with someone" He said and my heart skipped a beat, I'm afraid if he might be.....


"Yeah, I will go to the bowling with BTS so I think I can't" BTS?! So the caller is a member from BTS?? But why did he look so sweet if he's on call with his member??

"Ahh it's okay, I will go with Sa Ra or maybe Min Ah" I said and smiled bitterly.

Let's just see, is it BTS member or not.


I'm thinking about to change the main idea of the story hehe ;) so how's?

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