Chapter 6: A Chocolateer's Confessions

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Willy sucked in a deep breath, like he was nervous. "When I read through your Emails with Charlie, I started to like you. I mean, you just seemed like a very nice person. So, I was anxious to meet you. It's been forever since I've met someone new from the outside world, and I was ecstatic. That's why I had asked Charlie how I should introduce myself. He's much younger than me, but he's like a little brother in a way. But when I saw you for the first time, I froze." I had to interrupt him. "Why?'' I asked. He blushed. "Because you were so...pretty! And I immediately felt drawn to you in a way I hadn't felt for the longest time. So, naturally, I forgot every lesson Charlie had ever given me. And you probably thought I was a total idiot, which is why I was avoiding you these past days. And that all leads me here."

When he stopped talking, I thought I might burst. He liked me! He really liked me! And that was when it happened. I leaned forward, and pressed my lips into his. He wrapped his arms around my waist, feeling my body. Our lips melted perfectly into each other, giving me the feeling of pure bliss. When he drew away, I sighed with pleasure.

He giggled, and I had to laugh it was so adorable. I then proceeded to tell him how I felt the same way. I sighed. "So, what do we do now?" He cocked his head. "What are you talking about?" Willy said as he shifted in his seat. "Well, there's several problems with this," I said, unable to drag my gaze from his face. "I mean, I'm only nineteen! You're thirty! And you have an empire, Willy. You don't have time for me..." A single tear slid down my face as I realized he liked me, but he couldn't love me.

Willy got on his knees, and kissed my forehead. "I will always have time for you," he whispered. I wanted to squeal. I had never met a guy as wonderful as him. And I knew I probably wouldn't again. "But what about Charlie?" I asked. Willy shook his head. "Like I said earlier, Charlie is like a little brother to me. He will be supportive." I sat down on the peppermint grass with him. So far, the Chocolate Factory had had many great surprises; none were as fascinating as the Chocolate Room. Willy and I talked for quite some time, asking basic questions and whatnot. It turns out, the last woman he loved only wanted him for his money. "That's horrible!" I exclaimed, cuddling closer to him. He just nodded, stroking my hair. Eventually, it was lunch, and Willy and I caught up with Charlie in the Cafeteria.

"Where have you two been?" he asked subtly. Willy nearly choked on his hot chocolate, then looked up slowly at the teenage boy. I blushed. "Well, we were just, um, talking." "Really?" Charlie raised an eyebrow. "I like her," the chocolateer confessed quickly. I stared daggers at my crush, confused why he had just blurted it out. "Sorry," he quickly covered up. Charlie started to laugh hysterically. "I knew it! I called it, didn't I?" He pointed at me and laughed. I groaned. "Whatever."

I sat in front of my mirror, brushing my hair out. I was nervous. Like, really nervous. It had taken literally forever, but I had convinced Willy to go with me to the party at Anna's boyfriend's house. I was wearing brown leather boots, black leggings, and a large cream sweater-type top. I let my hair down, but made it slightly wavy. I put on a necklace my father had given me. It was bronze metal chain with two brown feathers as the base.

I brushed my teeth, and stepped out of my room, ready to go find Willly. And I found him alright. He was wearing his usual attire; I was about to comment, but then decided it was sufficient. We walked arm in arm out the door, and he led me to the FGE. It stood for Flying Glass Elevator, which he took everywhere, but I told him we should probably take a taxi.

I was a little disappointed about it, but Charlie said he was too busy to come. When we reached the address Anna had given me, Willy was shaking, he was so nervous. "Hey, it'll be okay. It's just a party, right?" He nodded, but he didn't look comforted. I held him close to me, and we walked in.

Hey, sorry this chapter is shorter. I'm going to try to make the next one longer to make up for it. :) :) :)

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