10: Plisexy

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Yuri's POV

After we practice some more jumps and then I lift her a couple of times we step off the ice.
Desk boy is still here.
I glare at him. I chuck her stuff to her.
She disappears to one of the change rooms and comes out in her casual clothes and flats.

I quickly change.
"Why are you still here?"
I poke the boys chest.
He steps back.
"I'm going out to dinner with Ash... and you"
I recoil.
Just then Ash comes over and pushes her skates into my hands.
"I said we would"
She gives me a pleading look, "he asked me to go and I knew Viktor wouldn't want me going somewhere with someone he doesn't know", she winks, then giving me a pleading look she goes on.
"He invited you too so that Viktor will be fine with it because he knows and trusts you"
I sigh.

The way she was hinting she didn't want to be alone with him, if she even wanted to go.
I nod.
She smiles and begins to walk towards the exit, just behind Kelvin.
I decide right here and now.
I do not like him one bit.

She turns her head back to me as I follow just behind.
She mouths a thankyou and i nod.

As we walk out the sun is setting.
I hurry so that I'm walking next to her.

I glare at him but he doesn't notice. He's too busy staring at her.
His eyes filled with two things.
Clearly he has a huge crush, but also lust. There's a lot of lust in his eyes.

I look forward, completely disgusted by him.

We reach a cafe and go inside.
Kelvin leads us to a booth and holds out his hand. 
"After you darling"
She rolls her eyes and a low growl escapes my throat, surprising  me.
She sits down and I swiftly sit next to her before he can blink.

He simply walks around and sits on her other side.

We order our meals and eventually they come.
I admit they're pretty good.
We sit and talk for a while after, planning to allow our food to go down before ordering desert.

But he starts getting pushy. He's been getting on my nerves all evening.
I feel her squirm beside me and start to shuffle over towards me.
I glance down and notice his hand moving up her thigh.


I have to keep my cool. There's no use exploding. At least not yet.

I pull her closer to me.
"You look cold"
She leans into me greatfully as I watch his hand slip away from her.

A couple more minutes of cheap conversation and he begins yawning.
It's clearly fake.

Then he leans his head on her shoulder.
Now this guy is taller than me and I'm about a head taller than Ash.

And he looks rather uncomfortable.
He sort of rolls his head as though he's drowsy, his face leaning on her chest.
He's practically looking down her shirt.

She looks at me.
Clearly very uncomfortable.
Her eyes pleading.
I reach as though I'm reaching for a flyer that's on the table.


I just so happen to knock a glass of water straight into his lap. He jumps up.
I act flustered and hand him a couple of napkins.
I sit back down and have to stifle a laugh.
"Sorry I must have fallen asleep"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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