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Hi everyone!

This is one of my absolute favorite chapters, and it's a long one! Let me know what you think! ;)



I woke up the next morning to a text from Torrin letting me know he'd won his game and made it home. Accompanying that was a message from Wyatt, asking if I'd like to meet him for breakfast.

"Blake," I hissed, sitting up in bed.

Sunlight streamed through the crack where the heavy curtains didn't quite meet. The clock on my phone read 8:37.

Again, I hissed her name, and again, it did nothing to rouse her.

After a few more attempts at a wake up call and some debate, I made the decision to take a shower (as quickly as possible because the chlorine-treated city water made my skin crawl). When Blake still didn't stir, I replied to Wyatt in the negative.

Can't. Blake's still dead asleep and I don't wanna leave her.

His reply was almost instant.

What do you like for breakfast and what room are you in? I'll bring it up.

I thought for a moment before sending him bagels with strawberry cream cheese, room 308. After making sure it was delivered, I sat in bed for a few moments, just staring at the wall. Then it dawned on me that I still wasn't properly dressed and half of yesterday's makeup had mixed with the nasty water and run down my face in black streams. That sent me into a frenzy because I had no intention of giving Wyatt a solid reason to call me Little R.

His knock on my door came just as I threw on a navy blue unisex t-shirt that I'd won from a company-sponsored drawing at the fair. I flung it open to find Wyatt smiling broadly, balancing two plates of food and a pair of styrofoam cups. Blake still didn't wake up as I ushered him in, kicking yesterday's clothes partially under the bed so we could at least walk through the room.

"Looking lovely, as usual," he winked, setting down our breakfast and giving me a once-over. Along with the T-shirt, I'd yanked on a faded pair of jeans that seemed ready to rip at any time, as well as a coat of foundation and mascara. My hair was drying quicker than I would've liked into it's natural blonde waves that started in strange spots. I wasn't wearing any shoes and his smile grew when my pink painted toes came into view.

"You brought me orange juice?" I diverted his attention by picking up one of the flimsy cups and meeting his eyes with a grateful look.

"Of course; I know it's your favorite. And unsweetened tea. You like a lot of that."

"And you're a Mountain Dew addict," I chuckled, glancing into the contents of the other cup. "And apparently a coffee drinker?"

His leathery face reddened just slightly as my gaze wandered to the pair of empty creamer pods on the plate holding biscuits and gravy.

"Yeah, I like my coffee. And I brought you your bagel. Hopefully it's a good one. Some of these hotels have awesome breakfast and some of them might as well serve convenience store food that's three weeks past the expiration date."

I laughed and took my plate to sit cross legged on the unmade bed. As promised, Wyatt had grabbed a container of strawberry cream cheese, and he'd even thought to bring me a plastic knife to spread it with.

Without invitation, he settled on the comfy looking office chair that I hadn't bothered to try out and began chowing down.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I asked after taking a bite of the mediocre bagel.

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