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Griffin left before too long, and I ran up to my room as fast as I could. I jumped onto my bed and hugged my stuffed wolf tight. God I'm so glad it worked. I didn't know what I would do without Griffin, and I felt awful about how I snapped at him when he was helping me look for my phone. And I didn't even know how he would react when I told him about my night with... My phone buzzing brought me out of my thoughts, and I picked it up quickly. There was a number that I didn't recognize. I answered it, and said "Hello?" "You stupid bitch! He was going to be mine! But he wouldn't even leave you!" The girls voice seemed as if she'd been crying. "I'm sorry? Um, who is this and how did you get this number?" "Don't worry about who it is. Just know that I will do whatever I have to do to make him mine!" With that, I heard the click of her hanging up the phone. I immediately texted Griffin and asked him about who this chick was. He said he didn't know, but I wasn't sure if I entirely believed him. My phone buzzed again and Jackson's name popped up with a text message. 'Ally, can we hang out? I miss getting to do that, ya know?' It made me chuckle a little, and I responded 'Sure, where do you wanna hang?' 'Let's go to the park and walk around? And maybe we can get some ice cream or something?' I smiled, remembering our dates before he disappeared, and how we always did stuff like that. 'Sounds perfect. You gonna swing by my place and pick me up?' 'Yeah, I'll be there in 15' I smiled and put my phone down and hurried to the shower so I could be ready for when Jackson got there. Before too long, I heard the honking of his car, so I went ahead and came outside. He waved to me as I opened the door and stepped outside. I hurried out to his car, and as I got in, he said "Hey babe, ready for a super fun day out?" I smiled at his enthusiasm, and said "Let's do it." We went to get ice cream first, stopping at a Dairy Queen near the park. He got a large vanilla cone, and for me I picked a large chocolate milkshake. We went around the corner to our park, and got out. He took my hand, and led me through the park, and I knew exactly where he was taking me. We hopped the fence around the outside of the park, and went to the spot where my dad had built our clubhouse when Jackson and I were children. It still sat up in the tree, undisturbed by the years that had passed since we were last here. "Do you remember this place Ally?" "How could I not?" I said, feeling my cheeks getting a little hot. He let me go up the ladder first, and came up after I had come through the door. "I remember we had our first kiss up here, way back when we were little kids." I didn't really reply, but I just kept slurping on my milkshake. He turned back to me, and started to lean in for a kiss. I thought about doing the same, and then the talk Griffin and I had rang back into my head. "Jackson..." "I know Ally... I just wish that things were the way they used to be... And that that Griffin guy didn't come and ruin what we had together..." I remained silent, not wanting to tell him that I wished the same thing. "I really missed you while I was in the coma. You were all I thought about when I woke up, Ally. So I have a question..." He pulled something from his pocket and got down on one knee, his stormy gray eyes sparkling as he looked into mine. He flipped open the box, revealing a ring that sparkled in the sunlight peeking in through the windows.  "Allison Roberts, will you marry me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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