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My heart dropped when I heard the words quietly slip from her lips. "It's me, Ally. Chris? You're best friend. You really don't remember me?" She looked down but said "I'm sorry, but I don't think I've ever seen you before...." I felt my face get hot, almost as if tears might come. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be. I looked to my dad, but he seemed to be just as shocked as I was. "Please tell me this is temporary" I said to my dad, hoping to hear something, anything, that would tell me that my best friend in the world would remember me. He shook his head and I almost broke. I got up and began to walk toward the door. He grabbed my arm before I could reach the door and said "Where are you going, Griffin?" I pulled away and said "I just need to get some fresh air, Mark." As I walked through his house, I remembered how I missed living here. And felt bad for calling my father by his real name. I was just in shock. I stood outside for a little while, until eventually my father came outside to check on me. "Is there even a chance she'll remember?" I asked him once I'd heard him come out onto the deck. He was quiet for a moment before saying "There is, but Griffin, it's a million to once chance that she'll really remember who you are." "Good enough odds for me. What do I have to do?" He was quiet, almost as if in thought, before finally saying "There's a memory trigger. Every person has one. If you can figure out what it is, you can get her memory back." I thought about it, and figured I'd probably have to do some of her favorite things with her. "Thanks, Mark." I said, not out of anger or attitude this time. I walked back into the house with dad and saw that Ally was gone and so were my dads car keys. She was gone. Then I heard his car start up outside. I bolted out the door and saw the car pull off down the street. I ran to my car and jumped in before starting it up. A second later, I was speeding down the road after her.

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