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I pulled up to Ally's house and felt my heart flutter. Ally and I had always been close, but I had a feeling that we were going to get closer. I had been planning to ask her out for the last few days since I'd planned to come over. I pulled into her driveway next to her light emerald Porsche which her parents had bought her for her birthday. I got out and walked up to the door, then i knocked on the door. She popped up and opened the door a minute later. She saw me and practically jumped into my arms. I hugged her for a minute, before putting her back down. She smiled, and brushed a piece of her dark brown hair behind her ear before inviting me in. I came inside and she said "I'll be right back. I've gotta go change really quick." "Alrighty." I replied back, and then went to sit on the couch while I waited. Minutes later, she came back down and my mouth dropped. "You like it?" She asked me and I definitely did. She had on a Walking Dead t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I stood up and said "You look amazing." She blushed and smiled, then said "Thanks, Chris." I kissed her forehead and said "You're welcome, Ally. I took her hand and led her out of the house. I led her to my car and opened the door for her. Then I went around and got in my side. I turned the car on, and heard the Lamborghini's engine roar to life. I put it in reverse and pulled out of the driveway.

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