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Prompt: You live in the apartment above me and your water pipe burst and is flooding into my apartment and you can hear me yelling so you come down to my apartment to see what's going on and witness me standing in my kitchen/bathroom/whatever, holding an umbrella, screaming at the water pouring out of my ceiling and crying because I have no idea what to do and we both just kinda stand there in shock as my stuff gets ruined and you let me crash in your apartment until my apartment gets fixed because you feel bad AU

Characters: Darcy & Robbie Reyes

Tags: Reluctant Friends, At Least On Robbie's Behalf, Humor, Darcy Might Have a Crush, Robbie/Ghost Rider Lived Murder-y Ever After, He/They Did Not Disappear As Shown On AOS, Post- Civil War

After the Sokovia Accords made it's rounds to those closest to the (no longer together) Avengers, Darcy took her leave from the Big Apple. She didn't have the brains (like Jane, Tony and Bruce), she didn't have any skills sets (like Natasha, Clint and Steve) nor was she of royal alien blood (like Thor), so the Government had little care whether or not the caretaker of the most sought after Astrophysicist signed their little agreement.

Jane, of course, had blown off the Accords as nothing for her to worry about and just when their guards were down the Government came knocking for both her and Thor's cooperation, and the alien Prince was whisked way with his beloved without a warning. Darcy wasn't mad to have been left behind, but she was pissed when the Government kept her for twenty-four hours and spent sixteen of those hours interrogating her about Jane and Thor's whereabouts.

It was Tony who surprisingly sprung her from Ross' clutches and Tony who told her about a small secret branch of Stark Industries that was established in California should she need to get away and start over somewhere new. She didn't know if she could trust him and after seeing the suspicion in her gaze, Tony explained himself and his decision to work under/alongside Ross.

If we have one hand on the wheel, we can still steer he had told her. And yeah, okay that made some sense. It was better to have some input on their missions and save some civilians than have no input whatsoever and let everyone die.

And then two weeks later, Darcy finds herself now residing in East Los Angeles.

And then two weeks later, Darcy finds herself now residing in East Los Angeles

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For several months already, Darcy's settled into a decent routine. The secret Stark Industries location was actually an underground facility that started to work against Ross and his Accords fairly quickly. She didn't mind the change in work load and actually looked forward to when a team that was backed up by Pepper Potts herself brought home the other half of the Avengers that were still in hiding.

And while she gets a nice paycheck that covers all of her bills plus some, she likes to- as Tony would call it- slum it in an apartment building that would be somewhat affordable by someone who didn't secretly have a secret bank account with a majority of her money.

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