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Bits and pieces

Falling in their places

Like a puzzle game

It starts to form a picture

The blacks and whites and stripes

What can this problem turn into

It still look so messy

My life, I can compare it to

I turn it to the left

I turn it to the right

I turn it upside down

I turn it all around

Nothing happens so I grew mad

A crashing sound it made on the floor

Bits and pieces

Again, broken into smithereens

As I look at the mess below

I realize one bad thing I always do

Oh god I did it again

How can I be so stupid

I should learn how to look at things

Differently from what it really it is

Or I would be like the mess on the floor

But after many times of trials

I can never seem to remove this behavior

My pessimism can ruin my life

Like the bits and pieces that falls apart

© C.J. Avila

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