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22:08 p.m.

Jungkook and Nami walked side by side because he parked his motorbike far from the cafe, he just needs a time to be with her. He wanted to spend this outing, to know her more.

in the dark, Nami was behind him, probably trying to talk to him and Jungkook snorted at the thought. He then stopped all of sudden made Nami bumped into his back.

" walk in front, " he pulled her by her wrist lightly and she looked behind, gave that puppy eyes on why she should be in the front, " more safe, of course. " he shrugged.

she took a hesitant step and Jungkook seems to notice that, he asked " are you okay there? " Nami turned her head to him for the second time, and shooked her head.

but actually, her mind was full with the incident that happened earlier. Like why did he need to turn his head... he maybe didn't know that they could.. She shut her eyes hardly, tried to forget that.

Hold me tight. she never gets that kind of words from any men but Jungkook just said it and she can't even control herself properly.

on other hand, Jungkook grabbed his phone from his pocket and there was a message from the hyung's group,

tomatoes lovers

• yoongi genius man

yoongi genius man

: i didnt dye my hair for fuckin nothing: where is everyone: im with this weirdo and his girlf: so i wait in car waitin for yall hoes to come ffs

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: i didnt dye my hair for fuckin nothing
: where is everyone
: im with this weirdo and his girlf
: so i wait in car waitin for yall hoes to come ffs


yoongi genius man
gtg back in cafe
ok i saw u #bro

Jungkook raised his face up after yoongi replied with that and the hyung really dyed his hair for tonight. He laughed out loud made Nami astonished by him.

both of them finally reached in the cafe and he saw Jimin and Hoseok on the other table, not with the hyungs. Jungkook laughed more louder at the fact that they didn't know each other.

one of the workers shooed him for being too loud but it still continued when Taehyung and Hoseok both shouted "Jungkook!" at the same time.

Nami just stood there dumbfounded after she saw Aeina with them, what a coincidence.


" This is Jimin and Hoseokㅡ oh wait, you know them right? " the Jeon throwed his glance towards Aeina, Taehyung frowned and took her head into his embrace, not to make Jungkook stared at her.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at his action. Aeina pushed his hands down a little bit and answered, " well, I didn't see them well earlier but yeah, " he guessed that she knows them.

It was weird to see hoseok just smiling through the conversation because he's awkward with everyone that he just know.

and yoongi? he obviously can't stop staring at Jimin across the table, probably attracted to him? yikes gay. Jungkook disgusted.

after the 'introductory session' , they still waited for namjoon and it will be complete. Jungkook noticed that Nami looked uncomfortable on her seat because she was stuck between yoongi and Jungkook.

He snaked his arm around her shoulders and she surprised, " you don't look alright, " he rubbed her left side shoulder and to be honest she felt appreciated.

Nami gave a tiny smile and Jungkook did the same thing. He keep his hand around her and he can feel that Jimin stared at them. Kook was about to put down his hand 'cause he thought he was too obvious but then,

" why is no one praising my hair? " Jimin everyone. All of them looked at him, gross out when he started to pout especially the boys except, " It looks fluffy. " yoongi.

Jungkook wanted to shout 'nasty' but then a pink hair guy with three known girls came in from the entrance.


i dont hv any idea so cliffhanger fam, #hatingonmybrain

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