
15 5 3

this chapter going to be a lot of pictures so get ready my fellasssss


the couple went home safely and jungkook was a little bit late since he watched her went inside her house, worried that someone would come in when no one is looking. He is too alert.

he unlocked the front door, examined his house to find her mother sleeping or not but she probably was so he just walked to the couch and lay down. Jungkook checked his iphone7 and bit his lips excitedly that @ha.nami_ DMed him,

Thanks for your eye on me earlier.
I saw you though hahah

Jungkook let out a breathy snort at her "hahah" and pouted that she noticed him because she probably found him creepy be looking like a robber. He teasingly not replied her dm and leave a seen.

the black haired guy then opened up his gallery phone and stared at a picture, he bit his fingers and smiled with his bunny teeth showed. He hesitated to post it on instagram or not.

5 minutes of staring at that one photo, he didn't realize that Nami kept DMing him and now he got 6 messages from her,

I thought you already went home that time.
oh, you seen. You're not sleeping.
oh oh, by the way it was nice went out with you :)

he laughed 'till he squeaked and moved his head backward, he sat down neatly and think that she was so cute begging him to reply.

-yes my princess
-most welcome, its dangerous for a girl like you thts y i did

That was so kind of you :D

-what a cutie
-if it was nice then y not again am i wrong?

Emm, I'm all okay if you want to
And thanks for the lollipop tooooo! :D

-y are you like this lmao

Uhm, like what?
Aren't you going to sleep?

-like a cutiepie
-i will if u are babe

Stop with your cutie, Jeon Jungkook.
Me is sooooooo sleepy *yawns*

-asjwkll can i hug u or smth cUte
-want a goodnight wish?

Gladly received :D

he actually wanted to wish her not in direct message so he leave her for a while. Jungkook scrolled down the gallery to find a better candid to post on his instagram.

Once he found it, he immediately shared it to his account and without any filters, he thought about caption to put with. It was not a pause but his fingers didn't move, he was thinking so genuinely.

he knew that the others weren't asleep yet even it was so late at night so he was afraid that they would annoy him so much by teasing him being all lovey dovey to her.

but it's Jungkook after all. What he think was, she is his girl so he can do everything to just make his girl happy.

this long sentences kept appearing in his mind, he was kinda cringe with it but that's what he thought about all this time.

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