And this is how it starts

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I was woken up suddenly from a dream, yannoe those ones where you're falling and you're violently woken before you hit the ground. A fine sheen of sweat covered my body. It was 6:02 only 50 minutes before my alarm was to wake me so I decided not to try to get back to sleep so I jumped in the shower instead.
I loved the shower, my thoughts could escape and I can leave the world for a brief 20 minutes a day, today I really needed that. My parents decided it would be a great idea to move us up to Manchester during my GCSE year of school. Great. I was going to miss my best friend Ella but we promised to see eachother twice a month at the least. Even worse is that I won't be able to see my boyfriend, Damon. It really broke my heart but he said he'd come see me as often as he could, he is a couple years older and my dad never liked him.
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and another around my hair then I made my way back to my room, for the last time. Almost all my belongings had been put into boxes except for a couple pictures and books. I felt a feeling of dread I didn't want to leave my life and start a new.
"Lou are you up yet ?" I heard my mum yell from downstairs.
"Yeh" I replied sadly.
"Don't forget to pack the last of your things we'll be leaving soon"
I sighed heavily, this is gonna be an eventful day.
After two hours in the car that I mostly spent asleep or listening to music, we had arrived at our new house just outside of Manchester. Across the road there was a field that had some children and their families. It looked like a really nice neighbourhood, better than the one we lived in before.
"Right kiddos the master bedroom is ours so you'll have to fight over the bigger room" my dad said with a smile.
"I call the one closest to the bathroom!" My brother Ben said before I could get a word in edgeways.
"Ugh! Fine." I said dramatically then I stated to make my way upstairs, this house was considerable bigger than our old one, my room was even bigger. It had a double bed in the middle next to a built in wardrobe and the whole room was pained a soft pastel green with pastel pink skirting boards, I don't think I'll need to re-paint the room I loved it. The wide window gave me a perfect view of the field opposite that had a large fallen down tree branch someone had dragged into the middle. About an hour had passed and I'd already unpacked my clothes and some of my books when there was a knock on the front door and I decided to see who it was.
"Hello I'm Denise from next door I've brought some lasagna I thought your mother wouldn't want to be cooking today!" She said enthusiastically in her thick geordie accent. Suddenly my mum came behind me to greet Denise and asked her in for some tea, she obviously said yes, what Brit is going to refuse tea! I showed Denise to the living room while my mum made tea. I introduced her to the rest of my family and they all started nattering away when I heard a second knock at the door. This better not be more food I joked to myself. I opened the door to see a teenage boy dressed in black from head to toe with amazingly curly hair stood in front of me.
"Hello how can I help?"I asked.
"Erm, yeh is my mum here?" He murmured.
"I think so is it Den.." I was suddenly cut off by Denise.
"Matty? Why are you here I thought you were going to Gemma's?"
"Erm there was a change of plans and I decided to just come back home but guess what, I forgot my keys and you weren't there so I went to find you" he said in a sulk.
"For gods sake Matty, forgetting your keys again?! I mean you are 16!" She laughed then returned to the living room.
"Do you want to come in, Matty?" I asked.
"No I've got friends to meet and I don't even know you" he spoke harshly and walked off towards the field to, what I assume, wait for his friends.
After dinner I went to my room and unpacked my vinyls and played my favourite record, Rumours by Fleetwood Mac. Half dancing and half unpacking I didn't notice I'd left my curtains open as I saw a group of people sat on the fallen tree smoking and looking into my window. I looked at them and one of them started waving, it was Matty. Why the sudden change of heart?

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