You call me when you're bored

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I woke up, later than I expected, to the sound of the rain gently hitting my window, sending beads of water down the window pane. I hadn't finished unpacking and the boxes made my room seem so much smaller. I went to the kitchen to try to find ad least one of my family members but instead of I was greeted with a half drunk mug of coffee and a note that read: 'Lou, gone to shop to buy school uniforms, I've left you £25 pocket money - mum'. I'd almost forgotten I had my first day at a new school tomorrow. I checked the time, it was almost 12 so I made myself some toast before I got dressed.

It was one of those down days. I didn't mind the rain so I thought maybe I'll walk around and get to know my new neighbourhood. I put on my rain mac and my doc martins before I left. The soft pitter-patter of the rain on my hood was relaxing and helped me escape my reality for a short while. After around 10 minutes of walking I had come to the conclusion, all the houses were the same and maybe the people were too, there was a corner shop at the end of one of the streets next to the main road. I went in and picked up an energy drink and a music magazine, the woman at the till looked at me as if I was half mad, I probably was going out in the rain by myself. I paid then left and as I was walking back to my road I heard someone shout my name.
"Louise" I turned around to the face of a stranger.
"Erm.. hello, how do you know my name?" I wondered.
"Oh shit sorry, I'm George, aren't you Matty's new friend?" He said with confusion in his voice. He was tall, around 6ft and he had a young face that didn't match his style or stature.
"What?" I blurted out without thinking.
"Yeh he was telling us 'bout you last night, you seem nice from what he said"
"Oh, well I just moved in next door to him, at 102".
"Right so I'll see you around, Louise" he said before walking away.
"See ya, George". 

I decided I didn't really want to go back home so I went to check out the field opposite given that the weather had put people off going there today. The rain got heavier but I really didn't mind, I had my magazine tucked under my arm beneath my coat. I went to sit on the fallen tree in the centre of the field, I didn't mind much that it was wet. I sad down and was happy being alone with my thoughts until someone disturbed them.
"Hey is this seat taken" I heard a soft voice say over the rain.
"It's a tree branch so yeah, I guess" I said sarcastically.
"Why the fuck are you out here in the rain?" Matty questioned.
"Idk I just like it" I said quietly before raising my voice slightly "why did you come out in the rain to talk to me?"
"Whoa what's your problem! Am I not allowed to make friends?" He said sounding slightly hurt. There was a short silence where Matty looked at me with rain pouring down his face before he spoke again.
"Do you want to come round I've got a free house? I can show you where my band plays music." He said with a sense of childlike optimism. "think of it as an apology for yesterday yeah?
"Yeah sure" I said "I didn't know you were in a band, what are you called?"
"Hm were not sure yet, my mum wants to call us 'no added sugar'". We both laughed and started to walk back to Matty's.

When we got inside Matty showed me the kitchen and opened a door onto a set of stairs leading to the basement, there were posters clinging to the wall and cans and plates littered the sides and the floor. In the corner was an old worn down drum kit and 3 guitars.
"Do you play?" I said as I tapped on the centre of the drum.
"Yeh a little but I'm more of a singer"
"You'll have to sing for me one day" there was a comfortable silence then Matty offered me a drink, a can of dandelion and burdock. I sat and sipped my drink as Matty tuned his guitar, he had a strong look of concentration on his face, he was clearly passionate about his music. Everywhere I looked I could see something musical, from the many posters on the walls to the guitar picks strewn about the room to the pile of vinyls next to the tv. Finally someone with the same music taste as me I thought as I saw a Fleetwood Mac record.  We talked for a while.
"I think I better head home my mum is probably getting worried about me" I said with disappointment.
"Hey wait, so do you want to walk to school with me tomorrow" he said almost too quiet for me to hear. "yannoe 'cause it your first day I don't want you being late" Matty was so sweet I had to take him up on his offer.
"Yeh thank you I'll see you around 8 tomorrow then, do you want my number so we can keep in touch?" I blurted out, what was I doing I had a boyfriend and I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend.
"You only live next door is not like you're my new pen pal!" He laughed and I couldn't help but join in. "Nah jokes give us your phone." I handed him my phone and I took his and put my number in, he had saved his name in my phone as 'bestie' I thought it was quite funny. I was about to walk through the door until he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a friendly hug. I hugged him back and said "see you tomorrow, Matty." The hug seemed to last forever but I eventually I made it back home, when I got to my room after dodging questions from my mum I saw that Matty had text me saying he couldn't wait for tomorrow, I've never met anyone quite like him before.

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