Think quick cause its pissing it down

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My first week at wilmslow high school flew past. I'd made friends in some of my lessons but spent most of my time with Matty, ross, George, Adam, John and Hope. Friday seemed to drag however, double maths then french and physics, just my luck.
After 100 minutes of nuclear fission I could leave school and start to get ready for the gig tonight. I'd stuffed my makeup and clothes into my bag ready so I can go to Matty's to 'study'. I was nervous to lie to my parents, they had so much trust in me. Oh well I'm 15 I should be having fun.
I got home and jumped into the shower and washed my hair with my mums fancy shampoo and shaved my legs. I mean it was kinda a special occasion.

When I stepped out of the shower, I'd forgotten my fucking towel. I heard my Mum shout from downstairs,
"Louise! There's a boy here to see you"
"Tell him I'll be down in a minute"
I made a mad dash to my room with just my school clothes there to cover my body. I grabbed the towel on the bottom of my bed and began to dry myself. I put my purple rain vinyl on to dance and get dressed to. I'd got just my underwear on and I was dancing to 'darling Nikki' when I heard a knock on my door and Matty's deep voice spoke, "Lou can I come in?"
"Wait a second let me put a top on" I put on some black leggings and a white top to make it look liek I wasn't going out, I'd get changed at Matty's "Come in" I said in a cheerful voice.
Matty's came in and looked me up and down and bit his lip, he thought I didn't notice. I kinda liked it though.
"You took your fucking time, Lou. "listening to such a dirty song might I add" Matty chuckled. "You ready to study?" I noticed him staring at my breasts.
"Yeah, I'm ready to learn" I wink at Matty. "And my eyes are up here, babe" I say jokingly. I grab my bag and slipped on my old pair of cherry docs. I grab my bag then me and Matty make our way to the front door.
"Bye mum" I lean into the living room, my Mum was sat on the sofa watching tv with a half drunk bottle of wine, it was a Friday after all.
"Don't forget to be home by 11 young lady, have fun studying" she turns to Matty "not too much fun though Matty"she says in a serious tone.
"MUM!" I say, she never normally talks like this.
She starts to laugh "I'm only joking Lou"
Wow I hate my Mum sometimes.
"Hahah have a good night mrs Jones" Matty replies with a slight laugh.
We step outside, it's raining, now I wish I brought a jacket but I'm not going back and have my embarrassing Mum talk to Matty again.
"Sorry about my Mum, it's probably just the wine."
"Nah don't worry about it, it was kinda funny."

We go to Matty's so I can get ready. His mum was busy in the kitchen and Louie was watching some top of the pops re-runs on tv and dancing. Matty's started to climb the stairs so I followed, I'd never been in his actual room before. It was surprisingly clean, nothing like the band practice room. He had a black sheets on his black bed, he had 20 books stacked up on his desk next to an old record player and even older records. The walls were bare apart from a few shelves. I sat on the end of the bed and looked up at Matty who was hastily trying to tidy his already clean room. He walks over to the record player and puts on a 90's R'n'B song I didn't even recognise. He turned to me.
"Welcome to my humble abode"
"This is not how I pictured your room to be like at all....I mean it's actually clean!"
"Ha ha, right I'm gonna get us some beers so you can get changed" he says before swiftly leaving the room and closing the door.
I bounce softly to beat of the music as I slowly get undressed. I pullout an old AC/DC shirt from my bag. It used to be my dad's so it's too big so I tie it at the front. I  finish the outfit with a pair of black ripped jeans. Then I hear a knock at the door.
"You can come in"
Matty enters with one hand over his eyes and the other carrying 4 beers.
"Is it safe to look?" He removes his hand. "Looking better than before, Green." He smiles then chucks me a can.

We drink all the beer before we set off to his gig,
Is this actually my life, lying, underage drinking and going to gigs with my extremely attractive bad boy neighbour who does have a girlfriend by the way. And I have a boyfriend Jesus Louise what are you thinking.

After the 20 minute walk we arrived at the small venue. I spotted some familiar faces outside waiting for Matty. George waves enthusiastically, that makes me giggle.
"Ay you made it!" Hope says, Johns arm draped around her shoulder.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world" I smile at everyone.
"Shit!" Ross exclaimed. "We still don't have a fooking name for the band who are we going to say we are...."
"Hey slow down mate it will be alright" matty interrupted Ross.
"Hey how about 'the Slowdown'" I say "sounds quite cool"
"Louise you are a genius!" George says as he picks me up into a hug and spins me round.
"Matty said it not me!" I flash a brief smile at Matty.

Around 15 mins into their 30 minute set, the boys had played some great songs. My favourite so far was probably Penelope. The way matty sang was so amazing, I could listen to him forever. Me and hope dance along to the amazing songs they are playing.

"Your living in a cellophane house never leaving, living in a cellophane, cellophane house"
The crowd cheer and clap as the music stops, swear me and hope are cheering the loudest.
"We've been the slowdown and you've been wonderful Manchester!!" Matty shouts before leaving the stage.
I run over to hug the boys.
"That was fucking amazing guys!"
"I'll get the drinks in" George says.
We all make our way over to an empty booth and start talking about the gig.
"You guys are so good" I say as George Places the drinks on the table.
"How do you even get served George," hope said "you've got the face of a 9 year old"
"That's the only thing that's 9 years old thou have you seen how y'all I am. Besides I know Kev" he points toward an overweight 50 year old behind the bar. "And he loves me so I get beer" George says with a wide smile before taking a massive gulp of his pint.

We left the pub and made our way to Matty's house over promises of free vodka, even though I was just going to go home. It's raining even worse than before. We are almost at Matty's house when I check the time on my phone and I'm greeted with 3 missed calls from my mum.
"Fuck it's 11 already! I was meant to be home half an hour ago, I'm too drunk my mum will know" I say to matty, he just smiles at me
"You absolute dick, guess you'll just have to stay round at mine"
"Wait wait is this a sleepover now and you aren't including me?" George interrupts.
"Wait can we actually stay at your Matty I can't be bothered to go home" Ross says, the most I've heard him speak all week!
Everyone is chanting and pressuring Matty to say we can all stay over.
"Ugh! Fine you can all stay, but we have to stay in the basement" matty exhaled.
"Deal!" George said as he walked faster towards Matty's house.
"I don't know if I'll be able to stay over will my mum let me" I say to matty
"Think quick cuz it's pissing it down"
"Fuck it" I say "I'll just get an earful in the morning who cares"
"Yes Louise" matty says in a deep voice. Before we turn into our street.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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