So far its alright

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I was sharply woken by the harsh, rhythmic bleeps of my purple alarm clock. Ugh! I had school and not just school, my first day at a new school. I drag myself out of bed and make my way to the kitchen even though I couldn't bare to eat anything. I did find comfort in the fact that I'll be walking with Matty and his mates, ad least I won't seem like a complete loner.
"Louise have you eaten yet?" My dad managed to say as he walked through the door.
"Yeh dad I'm gonna go get ready see you later" I said as I ran up the stairs.
My new school uniform was hung up on my wardrobe door, a maroon jumper and black blazer with a stripped tie. I could just wear my old school skirt because it went well with the rest of the uniform, I decided to wear my docs so I could keep some individuality.
I was putting my pencil case into my bag when I heard a knock on the door. I swung the door open to see George, Matty and an unfamiliar face.
"Alright Louise" George said before waving to my dad in the kitchen.
"You off then Lou?" My dad asked. I managed to fit in a quick 'yeh' before the door was closed for me by Matty.
"This is George, I believe you've already met, and this is Ross" Matty said as he gestured towards this  shy boy with dark brown hair that was styled into a sweepy fringe that hid his eyes, he was taller than Matty but not as tall as the giant that is George. "Hello!" I said enthusiastically, he stood and put his hand up to acknowledge me.
"So basically today you can chill with me and the boys if you want and George will walk you home 'cause I've got work" Matty stuttered with an over dramatic eye roll. George chucked. Matty pulled out a pack of cigarettes and went around the group offering us a fag.
"I better not I haven't got any gum and if the teachers smell smoke on me on my first day.."
"It'll be a right cock up" Said George.

When we arrived Matty and I said we'd see the boys at break and Matty showed me where the office was. This gave us adleast five minutes to talk.
"So, Louise" he said, his hair was especially curly today and to be honest it's was distracting me a lot. "Do you want to come see me and the boys perform on Friday? We've got a gig."
"I'd love to come!" I said with slightly too much enthusiasm without thinking, "well actually what time cause my parents.."
"Come on love, have you never lied before?" Matty said with a smirk. "Say you're coming round mine to study"
And for a moment I swore he winked at me causing my cheeks to go bright red, Matty chuckled.

Before things got awkward Matty took me to the office where I talked to a nice looking woman, in her 60s I'd say, she wore her hair in a perfect bun and had red cat eye glasses balanced on her nose. She looked up at the both of us and scoffed before looking back at her computer screen.
"Hey are you gonna like help us or what, lady?" Matty said in his cocky voice, breaking the silence.
"Matthew shouldn't you be in form at the moment?" She said, her voice was soft but strict.
"Technically, yeh, but my form tutor is an absolute wanker so.."
"Language, Matthew!" She said with slight disappointment clinging to her words.
"Do you have my friends time table it's her first day?" Matty asked.
"Name?" Her icy eyes shot to me.
"Louise Jones, miss" I said sheepishly.
"Erm yes here you are l'll print this off for you"
"Won't she need someone to show her around the school, don't want her getting lost do you?" Matty made me sound like a small child.
"Yes she will" the woman said with a smile, "it just won't be you Matthew I'll ask one of the girls in Louise's form"
Matty's smile dropped off his face and he was left with a mopey face.
"Matty will you go to EN5 and ask for Hope Davis, tell her to come to the office"
Matty left through the automatic door while I took a seat in next to a self full of awards. All for sport, figures. 10 boring minutes later a girl walked through the sliding doors. She had long brown hair that reached her waist, she was slim, tan and extremely beautiful, what a kick to my self esteem. As soon as she saw me sat by myself she smiled at me and made her way over, her doc matins making bouncing against the floor.
"Hey I'm Hope, You must be Louise!" Her breath smelt like bubblegum. "Love your shoes!"
"Thanks for coming to show me round today, I'm really nervous about this new school."
"Don't worry it's not as bad as it seems, you're already friends with Matty he was talking about you."
The corners of my mouth turned into a grin that I couldn't take off of my face for like 20 minutes. Luckily I had my favourite lesson, history. Charlie had walked me there and said she'd come back at break. I'd have to catch up on the coursework but I didn't care my mind was on other things. Matty fucking Healy for one. Shit. What was I going to wear on Friday.

The bell rang for break and I practically ran out the classroom. As promised, Hope was stood their waiting for me.
"Where do i go at break?"
"Stick with me it's fine, I'm waiting for John then we can go out onto the basketball courts."
Perfect, that's where Matty will be, probably behind the bike shed having a fag, actually.
"Who's John?"
"Talking about me behind my back babe?" A tall slender man with long hair said as he put his arm around Hope. A saxophone case in his other hand. He kissed her forehead before looking at me with a confused look.
"Oh shit, John this is Louise, Louise meet John." Hope said laughing.
We started to walk down towards the court when I heard someone yell my name in a laddy way.
"LOUUISSSSEEEEEE" I turn around I see George waving his arms at me gesturing me to walk over. He was next to the bike shed seemingly alone. When we turned to corner we saw that all four of the boys were propped up against the wall smoking.
Matty had a cigarette stuck between his teeth and he flicked his lighter and cupped his hand to light his fag. He took a long inhale and exhaled towards the sky.
"Rough lesson?" I say sarcastically.
"Hey shut up, maths is quite stressful you know" Matty said taking another long drag and this time keeping the smoke in his lungs. He gestured the half smoked pack of fags to me, I look around and everyone but john seems to be smoking. I don't know what came over me but I saw myself reaching for a fag, then a lighter. I took one drag and started coughing like mad.
"Jheeze, Louise! Keep quiet we're going to get caught!" George said in a loud whisper.
"It's alright you just didn't inhale properly, love," Matty informed me, "like this, take a drag and keep it in your mouth then breath till you feel it here" he said gesturing to the middle of his chest. I did what Matty said and I didn't cough this time. Everyone applauded me as I took another drag.
"Well done, love" Matty said, I could see a smirk forming on his lips.

What was I getting myself into.

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