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Pulling into the drive way I stared at the unfamiliar house, the third one in a single month. Behind the humongous ranch-style house was a big red barn with what I had to guess was about 50 acres of flat space, hills, ponds and forest.

I quickly parked the truck making sure the trailer was by the door so I could save a little bit of time unloading everything, getting out of the truck I tried to ignore the speech Dr.Roberts is giving. I soon hear a sliding glass door open, scampering feet and smooth easy gaited steps coming towards us.

I look down trying to get my breathing under control and calm down my anxiety, I take out the bag of M and M's to do something and hopefully distract me.

After I'm calm-ish I peak a look at my new house mates, and OMG standing in front of me are 14 Adonis'. Something in the back of my head is a nagging feeling, kinda like I now or recognize these people but it's not possible, I would have remembered meeting such finely crafted specimen.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by Dr.Roberts start the introduction "okay Sang so I'll start by introducing them to you, I'll start on the left and make my way right like usual. This is Raven" he said point to a tall guy with thick brown hair that's cropped short but looks to be longer in the front, brown eyes, a lip ring, 2 piercings on his left ear and has a tribal looking tattoo on his one arm, I started freaking out while looking at him and hearing the familiar name.

"Brandon" tall, muscular, short cropped blonde sun-kissed blonde hair, blue eyes and if you look close enough and actually look you can see a sadness in his eyes that I've known and experienced before. Okay Sang don't freak out, it's just a coincidence.

"Corey" he said pointing to Brandon's identical twin but this one has happy eyes, similar to a puppy. Deep breathes, I mean twins are common and I've meet tons of people with the name Corey.

"Marc" officially freaking out, I mean even one of his eyes are blue and the other is green, his hair his a soft brown (longer on top) and it's brushed to the side, broad shoulders, angled chin, high cheekbones, muscular, he's wearing a black corn necklace with of course a silver encased sand dollar and bracelets on his left wrist.

"Axel" okay he's Native American, his jet black hair is parted down the middle and goes a little past his chin, dark almond shaped eyes, black rimmed glasses, and his body is strong. His name is Axel and his friends names match up. This just means I'm dreaming or crazy, yup I'm definitely crazy.

"Victor" okay now we're moving onto the Blackbourne team. Soft brown hair that looks to end at the nape of his neck, his hair has gentle waves, angular face, long lean fingers (like that of those who place the piano) and his eyes, oh his eyes look better in person then they ever could have in my mind, striking fire eyes.

"Nathan" hair that reminds me of rust (a mix between red and brown, kinda like a fox... a sexy fox) broad tapered shoulders, muscles, muscles, muscles, angled chin and brilliant blue. Yup, he looks better than my normal fantasies, but hey, I'm not going to complain.

"Silas" deep brown almost obsidian black eyes, deep black hair, firm strong jaw, visible muscles in his arms and thighs, broad shoulders, that European look and and thick, oh so kissable, lips. Oh, maybe he'll give me a hug.

"Gabriel" his hair is a rich brown, longer around his chin and brushed away from his face, 2 blonde steaks of hair tucked behind his ears (one on each side), his body is more on the lean side but you can tell he still has strength, slight nose, angular chin, his eyebrows are "on fleek", stud earring in each ear but with 3 black rings in his right also. Yay, someone to help with my fashion choices (because to be honest I thinks the animals are getting tired of seeing me in a sports bra and sweat pant every day)

"Kota" jade green eyes, black rimmed glasses, coffee bean coloured/colored hair, medium build, obvious confidence, fair skin, muscular and has high cheekbones. Maybe Max and the dogs will get along?

"Luke" Lucian has blonde hair that just brushes his shoulders, brown playful eyes, high cheekbones, strong chin and light skin. New baking buddy!

"North" yup he still reminds me of a black bear, at least there better than grizzlies. North has dark eyes, dark hair, thick brows, wide shoulders, broad jaws, he has a gold hop in his left lobe, and I can just barely make out what looks like a necklace hidden underneath his shirt.

"Sean" oh Dr.Green and yet he likes purple, maybe I can get him to like green. Soothing and cheerful green eyes, curly sandy blonde hair, tapered shoulders trim body and heart shaped face.

"and finally Mr. Owen Blackbourne" if he thinks I'm calling him Mr.Blackbourne or Mr.B he is sooo mistaken. Steel grey eyes, soft brown short hair, cut short and styled back away from his face and his body is nice enough to make my mouth drool (even under that stinken suit).

I looked into the steel grey eyes of Owen and said, " well since you all know my name let's get this show on the road." Then I quickly barked out orders.


I know it's not much but I'm gonna try my best to upload as much as I possibly can.
And if I missed anything please feel free to comment and I will fix that right up, remember the more you like, comment and share the more I will post and the longer the chapters will be!

Country Bird (Ghost Bird and Scarab Beetle fan fiction) Adopted by TigerLunaWhere stories live. Discover now