Chapter Four: The Baby's Coming!

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By the time Lucy had finished her tale she had tears streaming down her cheeks, Erza Levy Cana Lissana and Mira were all also crying and hugging the blond, while Natsu Gray Laxus Gageel and Makarov were all furious.

Lynx was sitting back and watching the show, up until Mira walked up to her with stamp in hand. "Thank you for helping Lucy," she stated with a smile just a bit dimmer than her usual, "She mentioned you'd like to join the guild, is that right?" Lynx nodded and Mira smiled again, "Okay then, where would you like your mark and in what color?"

Lynx thought about it, then pointed at her right arm just above her elbow, "Here and in dark green." then with another smile Mira gave her the mark.

"Welcome to the family," she stated hugging the smaller girl, "And thank you for bringing our heart home."

~Back to the story~

As the night went on none of Fairy Tail's mages wanted to leave Lucy alone, especially Natsu and Gray. Even Juvia was never far from her 'Love Rival's' side. After all it was like she kept saying, "Love Rival is still Juvia's Love Rival, but she's also Juvia's friend."

Though our favorite blonde wasn't exactly too keen on all of the attention she was receiving, after all it did remind her of what had happened up to that point.  After the third fight had broken out over whose turn it was to sit with Lucy, with half of the guild insisting it was their own, she and Lynx had both finally had enough.

"Would the whole lot of you shut the hell up!" the brunette shouted. "I'm sick and tired of hearing this same old freaking argument! Have any of you even bothered to stop and think what Lucy might want?"

The whole guild for once went silent as every last wizard within stopped what they were doing to look in shock at their newest member, not to mention the one that now stood between them and the blond celestial mage whose attention they'd all been fighting for. Lucy for her part looked flustered and confused by all of the attention, but most of all she looked tired and upset.

"She was practically walking through hell today!" Lynx continued, "So why don't you just let her go home and rest!?

"But we can't let her go alone!" one of the guys whose name she'd yet to learn called out.

"Yeah!" Cana cried from her position at a nearby table, "What if something bad happens to her again?"

Lynx rolled her two toned eyes, "Fine then!" she stated, "We'll take turns looking out for her!" she smirked, "And tonight's my night so let's go Lucy!" Lynx grabbed up her troubled friend and led her out of the guild before the shocked mages inside could react.

And that's how the following days, then later weeks, went. Every night someone new, though usually it was one of the girls, would walk Lucy home and stay the night to make sure she was okay. As day by day passed Lucy slowly began to get over what had happened to her. 

Now we're nearing the part of our tail where all of you came in. What you ask, if Lucy was getting better then how is it that the guild is the way it is when you came in? Well just watch and see.  

You see it was only just a few weeks ago, Lucy was sitting at the bar in the guild, a hand over her large round stomach, Erza on one side of her, and Lissanna on the other. Lynx and Natsu were fighting, a new regular occurrence at the guild when neither of them where watching over Lucy, and the rest of the guild was placing bets on the winner, it should be noted the only bet on Natsu had been placed by a very hopeful and loyal Romeo as even Happy new the fire mage stood no chance.

It seemed like any other day at the guild, that is until the doors were slammed open by a sobbing platinum haired female covered in bruises. "Lucy-san!" she called out as she rushed in, "Lucy-san you have to hide, you have to hide quick he's coming!"

Lucy looked up in shock at the sound of the voice, "Yukino-chan?" she asked shocked, "What happened to you? And what do you mean? Who's coming?"

She never got the chance to answer, "Yukino!" a male voice snarled out, and through the still open doors stormed non other then Sting himself, "Get back here you bitch!" Rouge was trailing behind his partner, but he didn't look right, he was paler than usual and hints of dark bruises could barely be made out against his washed out skin.

The entirety of Fairy Tail was suddenly on edge, and very carfully they all moved to stand between Yukino, who had managed to make it to Lucy and was huddling in the pregnant girl's arms, and Sting.

"You're not welcome here Eucliffe," Erza stated coldly, "Now leave!"

For several seconds there was no change to the spikey hared blonde's expression or demeanor, then suddenly his faced morphed into a cruel smile, then suddenly the room was filled with a blinding light. When the light finally cleared the only mages still awake were Sting himself, Lucy, and Yukino.

"Loke!" Lucy cried as her Lion spirit slowly faded with a small smile.

"Don't worry Princess," he stated, "I'll be fine." and with that he was gone.

With the smirk still in place Sting once again started his walk across the guild, Lucy pulled Yukino behind her and prepared to fight, even in her current state she wouldn't let her friend be harmed.

"Get out of my way Pukey!" Sting snarled with an even cruller smirk, but Lucy just shook her head. "Have it your way then." that's when it happened at the very moment Sting struck out Minerva suddenly appeared, now completely free of her father's influence she remembered everything from her childhood including the little blonde girl who'd practically been her sister.

Now seeing Sting attack the same friend who she had betrayed, Minerva herself attacked, "No!" Minerva's attack hit Sting square in the back and sent him sprawling, but she was too late.

Sting had already launched an attack at Lucy hitting her right in her stomach, there was a gasp of pain, and the sound of liquid hitting the guild's hard stone floor when Lucy's weak voice suddenly spoke.

"Yukino, Minerva, the baby's coming!" and she was right the baby most certainly was coming, three months too early.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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