Laxus X Freed

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Laxus's POV
I was sitting at the bar of a strip club named Fairy Tail, and DJ said the next dancer was someone named "The Thunder God" so I turned around and saw this beautiful boy with green hair walked out and grabbed the pole. After his dance the club closed, I waited for him to walk out but he was talking to a pink haired boy, so I waited for them finish talking. The pink haired boy waved goodbye and the green haired boy started walking the other way. I walked up to him and tapped on his shoulder, he jumped as if he was scared, when he turned around he calmed down when he saw me " Can I help you?" he asked " I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could take you to dinner?" I asked, I saw him look away and then said ok. I took him to kabuki a restaurant that has great sushi, we walked in the restaurant and went to a private room and ordered and I got a bottle of wine. I poured the wine and started to talk to him "So what's your name?" I asked "Freed and why did u bring me here?" he asked " i saw you dancing and I want to get to know you" I said after a bit of talking, I think he was getting easier to talk to, then our food came out. I watched his face change when he took a bite "Wow the is amazing " he said, I laughed at his childness. After he ate his first piece I poured him a glass of wine(this is a small time skip), after two bottles he was drunk and his plate was empty, I helped him up and walked out the restaurant and I called a cab and told him where to go. When we got to my house I paid the tab and helped freed out the car he was spinning and saying something about love. When I got inside I put him on the couch, I went to get a glass of water and Freed grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss, his lips were so soft. I got on the sofa and pulled him on top of me, leaving a line of kiss's down his neck. I pulled his shirt off and sucked on his nipples "A-ahh" he moaned, so I picked him up and went upstairs. I put him on the bed and and took off his pants and I got on top of him, and kissed him all the to his dick, I forgot where I put the lube, so I went to his ass and licked it till it was wet. I pulled away and took off all my clothes and slammed my dick in him and he moaned in pleasure, I slammed in him again and again and we both released and feel asleep.

(I know it was a short sex scene, so sorry)

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