The enemy plan

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"Shark. Take some of your men and put them here." Obi Wan than pointed to a ravine. "Then put other men here." And Obi Wan pointed to a canyon "Make sure they have jetpacks Shark." Mace Windu said "Yes sir." I responded to the both of them. Then our conversation ends and I contact Commander Cody who is in a forrested part of the planet "Cody we might need back up because of the droids to get ready." "Ok Shark I will send Boil and Waxer with some men to your location" "Ok." I said and walked to the wall and held up the binoculars to my eyes and saw something I thought would never happen. The droids where marching to the base. With artillery,tanks,and infantry. And I was worried and yelled "HERE THEY COME!" And as soon as some clones heard me they ran to a alarm button and both of them pressed them at the same time making the alarm so the troops were ready to defend.

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