The Great Victory

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After the battle me,Knoz,Boozi and our men were glad to come home to Courascant. Clones reunited with their families and while we were at the desert fort I hooked up a friend of mine with Boozi Knoz was reunited with his own family. Only if I can say it to the families of the fallen. But of course I went back to my home in Courascant with my dog and my dog sitter there waiting. My dog was very happy. So was the dog sitter. He wanted his pay and I gave him the credits we dealed when I hired him. And also at the time of this I was getting a roomate and a good one. Her name is unkown to me yet. But I wonder what will happen after a while. Maybe we might start a family. But my other soldiers and friends had their own families though. But we wont know what will happen with my new roomate, but as always only time will tell.

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