Chapter One~Confusion

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Step. Step. Step. Jump.


And the crowd goes wild.

I shook my pom-poms, "Let's go Devils!"

Taking my position back in line I watched as our team, the devils, moved in such spectacular unison on the court. Right now we were cheering for the JV boys and the score was 64-43 Devils.

"F-F-I-F-I-G-H-T! FIGHT!" I started the chant and the seven other girls on JV followed suit. Everyone mimicking each others motions.

It was the fourth quarter and I was starting to get aggravated, I didn't want to watch this game. I didn't want to cheer for these people. I wanted to be in the main gym, cheering Varsity on, on the Varsity cheer team.

Varsity girls play while JV boys play and the Varsity boys play while the JV girls play.

I know what you're thinking, "Oh, she's one of those preppy bitches! She wants Varsity! what a typical Barbie doll class-A cunt!"

Well, you're wrong.

I don't want to cheer for just Varsity. I want to cheer for Varsity girls. Number 23 to be exact.

Vanessa Chancellor.

Oh, I didn't know what it was about her, but the sight of her crooked smile drove me crazy, her chocolate skin looked softer than anything the world had to offer, and, from what I heard, she was a goddess at basketball.

I say all these things because I'm usually cheering for JV boys while she rock the courts in the main gym. I drove myself insane trying to get the clock to move faster so I could catch the end of the girls' game.

Screeeech. The whistle wailed. And I stomped my foot.

"Awe come on, ref!"

"Anna! The foul was called on the other team!" Kate, my co-captain whispered to me.

"You do know you can call it right?" I whispered back before- "Sink it, ready?"

The girls together- "Shoot that shot, twenty two, you're hot, sink it!" we dragged out the last syllable as Trent, captain of the JV basketball team, total man candy to every single girl and gay guy at my school, and also my boyfriend goes to take his free throw.

He made it, as usual, "Ahhh, swoosh! B-DHS!"

As he set up for his second shot, I heard the buzzer go off in the main gym, symbolizing the end of the third quarter for Varsity girls.

I looked at our clock, it read 11.3 seconds left in the fourth quarter. I could stand that.

"Alright baby, come on, let's go!" I loved Trent, but something (or someone) recently made me rethink the meaning of love.

Sure, I loved Trent, but did I love him more than a friend? The buzzer brought me back to reality and I started the girls off with a chant that we do at the end of each game.

"L-O-V-E we love our JV." We just repeated that over and over again. until our boys told us to shut up or they filed out to the locker room.

I was hurrying into the main gym when a pair of hands caught me around my waist and soft lips met my ear, a tingle ran through me, "Hey, baby," Trent's sultry voice made it to my ears sending tingles down my body and igniting a fire in my,*hem* region.

"Hello, sexy," I said running my hands down his well-muscled front. I reached up around his neck to kiss him. He held me around my waist.

I wasn't the smallest girl out there, but I had curves. My very pale skin contrasted with my recently dyed auburn hair, and my black nail polish and precise makeup threw together the whole "Cheerleader" vibe. Anyone who truly knew me, though, knew that this wasn't the real me. That was the difference between me and the typical cheerleader. I liked to have fun, and I had fun acting. I loved being on stage and being someone else. I loved putting a fake smile on my face and being the cliché pretty girl that everyone wants and only the jock guy could have,

I loved it.

Trent kissed me and then headed to the locker rooms to change. I waited until he had turned the corner before hurrying into the main gym and being able to catch the last five minutes of the girls Varsity.

I looked at the bench first, I don't know why though, she was always playing. I looked over and there she was, blocking one of the members of the opposing team. I looked at her structure. Her rough hair pulled back into a tight, unmoving ponytail, her almond shaped eyes, brown and concentrated. She got the ball, her tall, lean figure swaying this way and that, her calf muscles rippling. Her mouth opened and let out that mesmerizing voice of hers.

I didn't know what was about her, but something made me lose my mind for this girl. I watched her movements carefully, trying to see where she'd plant her next step, or who she'd pass to next. I watched as she threw the ball straight at someone's chest, I looked over for a second to see who it was and I double-took then snorted. Her girlfriend.

Keisha Underwood.

Ugh she made me so angry. Her hair was so perfect, her body type so perfect, her lips so full. Her skin was soft and brown, just like Vanessa's. They were perfect for each other and I was just there: the little white girl on the JV cheer squad that was still in the closest as a bi-sexual. To literally everyone.

This is ridiculous Annabella, get your shit together, you are straight you have a boyfriend like for real. Yeah, I did have a boyfriend, didn't I? A boyfriend that made me feel like a princess and erputed feelings I didn't think I could feel.

Speaking of which, a hand snaked around my waist as I watched 'Nessa on the court. The score was 54-13 Devils, as usual.

The buzzer went off and Trent and I started to walk towards the lobby to get something from the snack bar, as I passed the lady Devils, I intermingled my "Good job ladies!" With the cheering of Varsity, "L-O-V-E we love our Varsity!"

"Good Job, 'Nessa!" I took a chance, her head swivled in the direction of my voice and I ducked my head into Trent's side who hadn't been paying attention. Vanessa looked around confused for a moment before turning back to the girls while they did their chant.

As Trent and I walked into the lobby, his arm around my waist, I felt myself grow sad, but it was a familiar feeling. Oh, right, there's one thing I forgot to mention about Vanessa.

She didn't know I existed.

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