Chapter Two~Finding

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The day after the game, I woke up and stretched a bit. I looked at the time even though I knew it was five thirty, as my alarm had just gone off.

I stretched again and got out of my bed, my warm feet exposed to the cold air as I slipped the rest of my body out of the warmth. Standing up, I stretched once more, my crop top bed shirt riding up on my stomach making me shiver.

I put on some slippers and went downstairs to feed my dogs, the crisp December air biting my bare legs and slightly exposed stomach.

"Agh," I let out a frustrated groan. I did not want to be up this morning. I moved slowly back inside and up to my room and slipped off my slippers to get ready for the day.

"ANNABELLA, ARE YOU UP?!" I heard my brother shout.

"Jason, I'm always up before you," I cracked my door to talk to him, "Get in the shower it's almost six." He obliged and I shut my door.

I got my rise-up tummy showing "We Came As Romans" shirt out of my closet and my favorite pair of high-waisted jeans. Slipping them on, I took a first look in the mirror that morning.

"Ew," I said glancing over my eyebrows. I did a quick plucking and put some redness remover on before applying a touch of eyeliner and almost less mascara. Slipping on my pink converse, I looked in the mirror again, great, I was ready, now for my hair.

I went downstairs and plugged in my straightener as I moved to the door to let the persistently scratching dogs inside. Already powered, I used my straightener to flip the layers of my hair in, creating a look that shaped my face.

Done and ready to go, I saw that it was for minutes before my brother and I had to leave and he was on his way downstairs to do his hair, right on time.

We were both ready and out the door by 6:30, as usual.


Once at school I went through the motions. I went up to the student concession and bought a paradise point smoothie from the Tropical Smoothie portion of the food court concession at BD.

I bet you're wondering what BD stands for? Well, duh we are the Blue Diamond Devils. Speaking of Devils...

I felt my stomach get all funny and the butterflies started up at the prospect of seeing 'Nessa.

I drank my smoothie and say at a table with my best friend Michelle. She smiled at me, "Hey!"

I smiled showing my full rack of straight, white teeth, "Hey girly!" She got up, and we hugged.

Spending the first five minute of the morning catching up on things we needed to catch up on, at 6:36 exactly, Trent came to the table.

This is how things went every morning. It was a perfect life and a perfect routine.

And it depressed me so much.

I wanted nothing more than to jut have something new. Something exciting. Something different.

The bell rang and I hugged Michelle and said goodbye. Trent and I walked through concessions in the cafeteria to the three hundred hallway where he had Chemistry H and I had Spanish 1.

I dropped him off halfway down the hall and kept walking to my class where I saw my friends Daisy and Sheyla. And they headed into biology as I went across the hall to Spanish.

"Buenos Dias, Carter," My Spanish teacher Mr. Hawkins said.

"Buenos Dias, Don Patricio," I said using his first name, Patrick, in Spanish.

First period passed in a haze of day dreaming and waiting for second period. When the bell rang, I gathered all my stuff up and hurried out of the classroom.

There was a way I had learned to execute this next part perfectly. I walked halfway down to Trent's door, as he walked his buddy, Adrian down to Spanish and met with me.

If we left at the perfect time, I could see 'Nessa. Trent still had no idea, even though I had changed our routine a couple weeks ago.

What we had usually done was walk into concessions and I'd walk him to the center doors where he'd go to band ad I would split off and go to Algebra Two. Lately though (since I'd fallen for Vanessa) I'd convinced him to walk me to the far East doors so that I "could see him longer".

Everyday though, when we got to that spot, I would whine, "I don't wanna gooooo," this always made him stay longer because he was convinced I was too cute. Then, at the perfect time, though she was accompanied by her girlfriend, 'Nessa would walk onto the steps that separate the vending machines from the tables and concessions. I would convince Trent to stay with me for a little longer and whenever 'Nessa would split with Kiesha, I would let him go to class.

It was bad, I know, but I just had to! I don't know why, but the thought I couldn't have her made me at least want to see her. Is that creepy? Probably.

I would do it after second period too. I started walking the long way to see her and I had told Trent it was to see him because the old way I had walked avoided that too. After third period, is didn't see anyone. My fourth period was right across, so I never went to meet anyone, just went straight to class.

After fourth period was that last time of the day that I saw her. I walked around the front of the school with my friend Jackie and when we walked in, Jackie split off to Business and Financing and I went into English (pre-AP). I didn't know what but 'Nessa and Kiesha were always right outside Mrs. Brown's door. It made me jealous but still all fluttery at seeing her.

This was me everyday. Hiding from who I truly was, hiding from Annabella Carter. Hiding from my feelings because I was in love with a boy and I was slowly falling for a girl. I was lost.

I really needed to start finding.

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