A Mommy's Pet

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"Wait, WHAT! Why is mom coming here?!"
"Because she wants to meet Kawaii~Chan."
"W-when is she coming over?"
"Where is she meeting you?"
"Your house!"
"Wait, MY HOUSE!"
"Garroth I'm gonna kill you when mom leaves!"
I hung up the phone and walked over to Kawaii~Chan.
"Hey Kawaii~Chan."
"Yes Zane~Kun?"
"Um...m-my mom is coming over today."
"Really! Kawaii~Chan would love to meet Zane~Kun's mom! What is her name?"
"Silvana," I rubbed the back of my neck, "she's REALLY excited to meet you."
"Oh, well Kawaii~Chan can't wait to meet Silvana~Chan!"
"I'm glad you are."
I pulled her into a long kiss. I could tell she enjoyed it, because her tail was relaxing, hanging down. When we stopped I pulled her as close as she could go to me, and hugged her.
"Kawaii~Chan loves you Zane~Kun."
I gave her a peck.
"I love you too."
As me and her sat on the bed talking I heard a knock on the door. I went downstairs to answer it, it was my mom.
"Hello mom." For once I hugged her.
"Hello my little Zue-Zue." She walked inside and sat on the couch. "Go bring me Kawaii~Chan. I know she probably lives down the street, but I can wait."
"Actually mom, Kawaii~Chan!" I yelled upstairs.
"Coming Zane~Kun!"
"Wait she lives here?"
"Hello Silvana~Chan." Kawaii~Chan shook my mothers hand.
"It's nice to meet you Kawaii~Chan."
"It's nice to meet you too!"
"Oh its so nice to meet the one who is going to be with Zue-Zue, and give me grand baby's!"
"K-K-K-K-Kawaii~Chan, w-wants to h-have baby's with Z-Zane~Kun!" She had a smile on her face, but then fainted.
"Kawaii~Chan!" I ran to her and put her on the couch.
"What happened to her Zue-Zue?"
"She got so excited that she fainted!" I took a deep breath, "she will be ok though."

Black and pink- Kawaii~Chan x Zane, ~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now