Chapter 11

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Ja'Far watched the mysterious person in awe. He had come to the arena to relieve some stress, but found it already occupied. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the figure, who was hypnotic to watch. Their movements were reminiscent of dance, languid and loose. It could have been mistaken for a beautiful routine, if it wasn't for the chain snapping dangerously in their hands. As he looked on, her movements became more and more feverish, more and more deadly. Pale scars and and striking tattoos rippled over your form, moving with the muscles that glided just under the surface. Finally, you came to a sudden halt, bandaged chest heaving. For the first time, Ja'Far was able to get a good look at you. He was surprised that YOU were the one who was executing those beautiful movements. You opened your eyes, smile playing on your lips. Adrenaline coursed through your veins. You shook your limbs out, feeling rare happiness blossom in your chest. Dropping the chain, this time you really danced, movements fast as a blur. Your laugh echoed in the empty arena, as you spun and leapt across the room. You were a storm, twisting with intense speed and deadliness. Ja'Far was drawn towards your presence, subconsciously taking a step into the room. You immediately froze, feeling his presence. Your back was to him, and he could see your delicate shoulders rising and falling with your breath, scarred back glistening with a sheen of sweat. You spun on your heel, appraising him, as you pulled the bandages from your face. Ja'Far stood perfectly still, heart pounding in his ears. You looked dangerous, head tilted slightly back and breath rushing from parted lips as you gazed down through narrowed eyes, droplets of sweat beading your forehead. His eyes traveled down to your torso, taking in your lithe form. Your damp skin was marred with scars and tattoos. The epicenter of these tattoos was a hexagram around your navel, exactly like those found on metal vessels. From there, characters in a strange language intertwined a wheel of samsara, radiating outward from your bellybutton. The designs gradually spaced out as they got farther away, disappearing at the sides if your waist. Feeling his gaze on your disfigured skin, you grabbed your shirt and pulled it over your head. You wrapped the chain around your left arm, and walked toward the doorway where Ja'Far stood. As you passed him, you grabbed him by his collar and slammed him against the wall, pinning his throat under your forearm. Your eyes flashed with murderous intent. Ja'Far was completely taken off guard by the hostility, even more potent than it was earlier that night. You could feel his pulse racing.

"Don't you say a fucking word about this." You growled. Gritting your teeth, you forced yourself to back off, letting him slide to the floor. Watching you walk away, Ja'Far had no doubt in his mind that you wouldn't hesitate to kill him. He rubbed his throat, sore from your grasp.

He just could't get you off of his mind...

Well shit, sorry guys! I know this chapter isn't very good but hopefully the next one will be better :). Thanks for your support, and don't forget to favorite this story or follow me so you can see when I update ^^

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