Chapter 14

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"So, what happened?" Ja'Far inquired, anxious to know what Sinbad thought of the situation. Sinbad simply shook his head.

"I have a hunch, but there is one piece I'm missing. These holes look like the aftermath of Judal's ice spikes, but..." He sighed. "I don't have anything else to go on."

"Leave it to me." Ja'Far said. "I'll look for more evidence. It should be easier now that we have a suspect." Sinbad nodded in agreement, stepping back to let Ja'Far have some room. Before long, Ja'Far had found just what he needed. By the window, long strands littered the floor, signaling someone had been pulled by their hair. Most were clearly (y/n)'s, shorter than Judal's and brittle from years of malnutrition. However, one long, jet-black hair stood out clearly. Ja'Far signaled for Sinbad to come look, hoping this was enough.

"That's surely Judal's." Sinbad sighed. "Looks like we have to go-"

"Stop right there, Sinbad." Ja'Far cut him off. "We can't just rush off and go save some woman who tried to kill you. It could be a trap!"

"But a struggle clearly happened! You and I both know she was taken against her will!"

"We can't just barge into the Kou empire's palace! We already have enough diplomatic instability with them!" Ja'Far stopped Sinbad in his tracks.

"As much as I hate to admit, you are right." Sinbad sighed. "I'm a king now. I can't just run off playing hero all the time." He ran his hand over his face wearily. As much as Sinbad loved being the good guy, Ja'Far knew he loved his kingdom more. He had changed so much from the way he used to be, hot-headed and rash, always running into the face of danger without a second thought. As rational as Ja'Far was, he couldn't keep his stomach from knotting up as a question nagged at his mind.

Was she alive?...

Kindred, (Ja'Far x Female!Assasin! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now