Introducing the New Boyfriend

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     Shane had never felt so nervous about taking his friends home before. Maybe it's because it was Monday and they had a free day on Tuesday which allowed them to be a nuisance with no care. Glancing away from the elevator doors, he traced his gaze to Amy who was happily taking pictures of herself for probably her snap chat. She had a lot of self-confidence that Shane wondered how she could do the things she did.

     Beside her, Flynn minded his business scrolling through his phone. He was probably on Twitter tweeting about things he honestly didn't care politics. As of habit, Shane took a moment to admire Flynn's looks. He towered over Amy and him with a couple of inches and his well-maintained man bun he only let down when he was going to bed or having sex always got Shane weak in the knees. Then there was his accent. Those three things about Flynn were lovely. And to make him more desirable, he had a nice face and dressed well to go with.

     Shane remembered a time when he had almost fallen for the man. He subconsciously clenched the strap of his bag and looked away from him. Back then, if the man hadn't said those words to him, maybe he wouldn't be so hung up on Ramus.

     The slow elevator finally opened, and Amy sighed with relief as they came out and went down the hall to Shane's room.

"Oh thank the lord. I thought I would grow old and never get to see Shane's new boyfriend. Oh damn! My excitement is back." She clapped her hands excitedly after she slipped her phone into her handbag.

"He's probably not as hot as me," Flynn admitted as they crossed the hallway to Shane's room.

Shane scoffed, but a chill went up to his spine when Flynn threw his arm around his neck and said, "Right, Shane?"

Shane didn't answer that as they pulled up in front of his apartment. He punched in his code and let them in first. They ran in as they childishly placed a bet on who was hotter.

     However, as Shane came in, all the noise stopped, and he was forced to look up at them instead of taking off his shoes. Flynn and Amy were frozen speechless, and it was because of the man in front of them. Cyrus was in grey sweats and completely shirtless.

Cyrus was shirtless.

Cyrus had tattoos that ran along his arms and across his firm chest.

Cyrus' body was amazing.

His body was very amazing.

     The photographer cocked his head at them in utter confusion before his eyes drifted to Shane and he swore he saw them smirk. Not his lips but his eyes. He continued to feign confusion as he crossed his thick arms over his chest and asked, "Who are you?"

Flynn and Amy didn't say a word and just slowly turned to look at Shane. He hadn't expected them to be that surprised. Flynn's mouth was agape, and Amy's face was red.

She quickly walked closer to him and said as she closed the door behind, "I did not know your taste went this diverse. First Haru and now..." Her eyes were wide as if she couldn't believe it.

Shane reached to calm her down but she whirled around to face Cyrus and did something he had never expected of her. "W-when are we having sex?"

"Make it a threesome," Flynn added immediately staring openly at Cyrus whose smirk widened.

"I don't mind. Only if Shane is involved," He said with a smug smile, and Shane wanted to rip it right off.

     Before a threesome happened before his very eyes, he pushed passed Amy and took Cyrus's wrist then pulled him to his room. Shane closed the door after them then glared at the man.

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