The New Boyfriend, the boyfriend.

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If not for Cyrus' puppy dog eyes, Tina would be living on the damn roadside. Or her house, but that was up to her.

It had been a couple of days since Tina moved in with them and took over Cyrus' room. Shane had used that opportunity to move Cyrus into his room and boy, had he liked it. Not just that, after having the man around him most times, he had started to like more things about Cyrus. He loved how they woke up together, but if Cyrus woke up before him, Shane would get breakfast in bed. Or how worried he got when Shane got home late – not that Cyrus let it show because he was always subtle about it. And how the man didn't care where they were and would kiss him.

The past few days had been bliss, and life would be perfect if Tina didn't just exist.

The strong smell of coffee and baked goods wafted through the air of the airport. People sat or stood, all waiting patiently for a family member, friend, colleague or lover to walk through the double doors of the airport. Ramus was waiting for the latter and had been stupid enough to ask Shane to escort him.

Ramus sat back in his seat and handed Shane his large French vanilla with extra cream. Shane would have gone for an Ice Capp but it was RRRoll it up in Tim Horton, and he needed that 5 grand.

He opened the lid as Ramus said, "You are never going to win that 5000 dollars, Shane."

"Let me find a reason to buy the damn drink, Ramus."

Ramus winked then slurped on his Frozen Lemonade. He winced, and clutched his head making Shane suspect he had a brain freeze. Not that Ramus could escape it, he wasn't slowing down.

"Calm down, Ray. I never knew a man could get you this psyched up."

He pushed the drink away and played with his fingers. "Yeah. Me neither. And it is just because of those goddamn people."


"The Gay Project. I mean, I could have just been sexually deprived-"

"I believe you."

"-but even after we had sex. I still wanted him, you know."

     Shane fell silent and watched as Ramus fumbled with his phone. He rocked in his seat, mumbling something to himself as his fingers rapidly tapped his screen. Ramus must have sensed his eyes on him making him meet them. He slowed his movement to a stop. "What?"

"I really did love you, Ramus," Shane admitted, and he loved the sad look Ramus always gave him.

     This wasn't this first time he had confessed his feelings to him. The first had been when they finished working on a project together. Ramus had to sleep over because it was too late to be on the move and they had school the next day. They had decided to engage themselves in some fun game of truth or dare which was Shane's idea because he wanted to kiss him so much.

     Eventually, they did. It was so short, yet it felt like it lasted a century. He could hardly remember the taste of his lips, but he certainly remembered the way Ramus had gently pulled away.

     Shane had played it off as a game until Ramus called it a night. The man had stalked him to the spare room, and before he told him goodnight that night, he said with a firm voice, "I love you, Ramus."

    The shock on his face was undeniable. He had been gentle when he rejected him.

"Shane, I... I'm sorry I don't swing that way. You are a great guy, and I cannot believe you put up with all my crazy. Someday, you are going to find the right one for you. I'm just not him."

     Shane had wanted to beg him. Let's start slow. I don't mind being your experiment. As long as I get to keep you as mine. He could never say it, especially after Ramus had kissed his head before closing the door on him. That night, he had held on to it. Sadly, he had held on too tight and had forgotten how to let go until reality struck him in the head.

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