Chapter 1

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Minho woke up with the smell of breakfast. He smiled and went straight to the kitchen.

Taemin was in only shorts, not wearing a shirt when Minho came in. Minho went over to him and kissed him gently. They had moved out of their family home and now owned their own house.

Taemin smiled. "Morning, yobo."

Minho hugged him from behind and laid his head on his shoulder. "Why do you always have to go so early?"

Taemin smiled. "Actually, I talked to my manager. I told him that I needed to stay home with my family for a bit because something was going on. So, he let me take a week off and he's going to tell the press that I was having family problems."

Minho smiled. "Really?!"

Taemin nodded. "I lied for you."

Minho picked Taemin up and twirled him around. Taemin giggled and clung to him.

Minho kissed him. "I still have to go to practice since our game is soon, but they're only half days."

Taemin kissed back. "Okay, can I come watch?"

"Of course!"

Taemin smiled. "Yay!"

Minho kissed him. "I love you."

Taemin kissed back. "I love you too."

Minho set the table, excited to spend time with Taemin. They barley got to see each other with Taemin's crazy schedule as an idol and Minho's schedule as a professional soccer player. They maybe got to see each other a couple days a month.

Taemin prepared their plates. He sat down and smiled. "Enjoy!"

Minho smiled and ate.

Taemin smiled. "I can finally see you in action."

"I've gotten a lot better since high school. I'm the best soccer player on the team."

"You were always the best." Taemin said.

Minho smiled. "I have tons of fans."

Taemin smiled. "Like me?"

Minho nodded. "They always give me gifts. I got the shirt I'm wearing from them."

Taemin looked at his shirt. "Oh, is there any girls?"

"A lot." Minho said. "They freak out when I give them kisses on the cheek."

Taemin frowned. "You kiss them on the cheek?"

"When they give me gifts." Minho said.

Taemin frowned even more and felt a little bit of jealousy. He ate slowly, not talking at all.

"Don't be jealous. They only get little pecks."

"I'm not jealous." Taemin mumbled.

"Yes, you are." Minho smirked.

"No, I'm not." Taemin argued. "Are they pretty?" Taemin wasn't good at hiding his feelings. It always showed on his face, even if he disagreed.

"Yeah, the little girls are the cutest. There is this little two year old girl that comes almost every game and I'm her favorite!" Minho smiled.

Taemin looked at him. "Awe,"

Minho nodded. "She always draws me a card."

Taemin smiled. "That's cute. I have a lot of fans too. I like teasing them."

"I know." Minho smirked.

Taemin glared at him. "Yeah, sometimes I get kisses or I'll hug them. I'm close to SNSD and F(x)."

High school Love story part 2Where stories live. Discover now