Chapter 5

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The next day, Taemin woke up, his head pounding. He groaned and gasped when he realized he was only in his underwear. He ran to the closet and got dressed before he went downstairs.

Minho was sleeping on the couch.

Taemin frowned and went over to him. He froze and blushed. 'He looks so handsome when he's sleeping.' Taemin said to himself. He leaned over Minho's face, their face really close.

Taemin noticed bandages on his knuckles. Taemin frowned and shook him gently. "Minho...Minho, wake up."

Minho groaned and opened his eyes.

"Minho, what happened?" Taemin asked.

"What?" Minho asked, confused.

"Your hands." Taemin said. "What happened?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

Taemin frowned. "Yes it is, you mean a lot to me." Taemin blushed when he realized what he said. "I...I, it's true. You're the one I'm supposed to love. I care about you. I may not love you now, but I might fall in love with you again. If I fell for you once, then I'll fall in love with you again."

Minho looked at his hands.

"Minho? What's wrong?" Taemin asked.

"What if you don't love me again? What if you leave me?" Minho asked, upset.

"Minho, why would I leave you? Where else would I go? You're the only one that I trust and I need you." Taemin said. "I'm scared, Minho. I don't know who I am, I don't remember my past. Everything's blank, but when I'm with you, I smile and laugh and all my worries go away. I need you, Minho. Please don't say I'll leave you and I won't fall in love with you. I know I will."

Minho hugged him tight. "I'm scared too."

Taemin hugged him back. "Kiss me." He didn't know what came over him to say that, but he felt the need to feel Minho's lips against his.

Minho kissed him softly, not wanting to scare him. Taemin froze for a bit, but then started to kiss back. Minho took this as a sign and kissed deeper. Taemin wrapped his arms around Minho's neck. Minho held Taemin close.

Taemin started to remember things, seeing visions. He gasped and pulled away. He looked at Minho. "I...I remember some things."


"I...had a memory pop into my head. We were having a picnic, except it was in the living room. You made everything romantic and then...we started to make out." Taemin said, blushing.

Minho smiled and twirled him. "That's amazing!"

Taemin giggled and clung to him. "I remembered something!"

Minho kissed all over his face.

Taemin giggled. "Minho! That tickles!"

Minho smiled and stared at Taemin. Taemin stared back and blushed. Minho kissed his nose.

Taemin giggled. "I...I think I love you. You make me so happy."

"I love you so much." Minho said.

Taemin blushed. "I know."

They heard crying. "The babies are up."

Taemin nodded. He went to the babies' room and picked them up and carried them to the kitchen. He sat them in their swing and started to make bottles.

Minho watched, smiling.

Taemin fed the babies and looked at Minho. "Am I a good parent?"

Minho nodded.

High school Love story part 2Where stories live. Discover now