Chapter 4

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The doctor checked Taemin. "Do you remember your name?"

Taemin shook his head.

"Do you remember what happened?" The doctor asked.

Taemin shook his head again. He looked really confused.

"It's me, yobo!" Minho panicked.

Taemin jumped. "Y-yobo? I'm sorry. I don't know you at all."

Minho started crying. "Taemin, it's me."

Taemin was shocked. "I-I'm sorry. D-don't cry. You must have me mistaken for someone else..."

The doctor went to Minho. "Mr. Choi, you need to calm down. You're scaring him." The doctor looked at Taemin. "He's a close relative to you, so you will stay with him."

Taemin nodded slowly, sort of scared to be with him.

Minho calmed down a little and dried his face. He sat the babies on a chair.

Taemin looked at the babies. "They're cute. Are they yours? Are you married?"

"Yes, they're mine." Minho said, quietly.

Taemin nodded. "Cute,"

The doctor released Taemin ten minutes later. Taemin was quiet on the way home. He didn't recognized the manager either.

Once they got home, Taemin followed Minho around. He looked at the house as they walked in. "You have a nice house."

"It's our house." Minho said as he put the babies in their playpen. "Are you hungry?"

Taemin nodded. "So we live together?"

Minho nodded.

"Oh, why?" Taemin asked.

Minho paused. "We're married....."

Taemin froze. "What? Married? No, that's wrong. We're brothers...that's what the doctor said...and I don't think I'm gay..."

"We're not really brothers. Your adoptive parents just took me in so we wouldn't be separated." Minho said.

Taemin frowned. "Oh, but I don't know...."

"It's okay....if you don't want to be married, we could get a divorce...." Minho said, sadly.

Taemin looked at Minho. He could tell he was sad. "No, if what you're telling me is the truth, then I'll fall in love with you again. Just treat me how you would normally."

Minho smiled and kissed Taemin's forehead. "I'm going to make you breakfast."

Taemin nodded. "Okay,"

Minho went to the kitchen. Kyunggi started crying. He stood up in the playpen.

Taemin went over to him and picked him up. Kyunggi curled up into his arms. Taemin smiled and cradled him. Minho came in with food and smiled at Taemin.

Taemin looked at him. "He was crying."

"I heard, I made bottles for them." Minho said.

Taemin nodded. "Do you feed them or do I?"

"I can." Minho said and took Kyunggi. He started feeding him. Kyunghwa started crying.

Taemin picked her up and cradled her. "I'll feed her." He grabbed the other bottle and fed her.

Kyunghwa clung to him as she ate.

Taemin smiled. "The babies are cute. How did you get them?"

"I'm a foster dad." Minho smiled.

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