Chapter 1

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Sunlight seeping in through the blinds is the first thing you see when you open your eyes, making your head throb in pain. Lack of sleep always does this to you.

You know you have to face the music eventually and get up, but you just wish it wasn't now. There are birds chirping outside and you can't hear anything downstairs. You must be the first one awake, which is quite surprising.

A door closes softly to your right and you look over to see that familiar boy tip-toeing his way over to you and sitting down. Okay, maybe you're not so alone. You catch his eye and he smiles at you, and after you give a quick smile back you look away blushing.

'Dammit (y/n), why are you so awkward?' you inwardly sigh at yourself, and force yourself to look back at him and smile properly, except now he's looking at objects around the room, away from you. Way to go, (y/n).

This house and it's surroundings are all really unfamiliar to you, how did you even get here, and where did your friend go? Strange how things turn out, you guess.


You wave goodbye to your parents as you walk through the gate to your plane, full of excitement and anxiousness at the same time. You check your pocket for your trusty phone, then make sure you have your checklist items: gum, earphones, book, laptop and purse, and look inside your bag to see them safely stowed away. Breathing a sigh of relief you walk out of the airport and onto the runway, ready for this journey to begin.

You can't wait to see (y/b/f) (A/N: your best friend) when you land, it's been ages and a catch-up is in order. That's the reason you're going actually, she's just been through the worst breakup and you're going to pick up the pieces. She relies on you for so much advice but you've never been in a proper relationship, the irony is unreal.

You show your boarding pass to the flight attendant as you reach the top of the steps and she smiles at you broadly, you know the way flight attendants do?

"That will just be 8 rows and to your left, Miss," she says politely, and you awkwardly nod and walk up the aisle.

However, being the walking, talking mess that you are, you trip halfway down on your own foot.

Everything's gone into slow motion and you brace yourself for impact when a pair of strong hands suddenly grab your arm and stop you from hitting the ground.

Wait, what?

"Are you okay?"

You look up to see brown eyes staring right at you, full of concern but also amusement. They're so full of life and beautiful, you find yourself staring into them.

You snap back to reality when someone behind you coughs obnoxiously and you quickly get up and awkwardly mumble a thanks to the boy with the beautiful eyes and keep walking.

"Uh, you dropped this," you hear someone say and turn around and see the eyes again, only further away this time.

You take into account the rest of him, his brown hair styled into a fringe and his black clothing. He's smiling at you and his dimples are a really prominent feature of his face. The rest of him was beautiful too.

You walk back over to him and see your boarding pass in his hand, held out to you. You take it back from him and as you do you brush your hand against his lightly, sending tingles up your arm.

'Come on (y/n), you've only said one word to him, what are you doing?' you scold yourself and try to forget the feeling in your arm.

"Thankyou," you try to say confidently and turn back around to get to your seat. At least you won't have to see him again, that saves any more embarrassment on your behalf.

"Actually, you're sitting next to me," he says from behind you.

You freeze on the spot and sigh. Great, forget I said anything.

You turn around again and see him trying not to laugh. This is where you realise that you're officially done for.

Well, this trip has gotten off to a great start.

You walk as fast as you can towards the row he's standing at and watch him slide into the window seat, quickly following suit and sliding in next to him.

At least you didn't trip this time.

You stare straight ahead at the seat in front of you trying not to look at him, and struggling. You can feel his eyes on you and the temptation to look is real, but you manage to ignore it.

Until the safety brief starts.

"These are always so boring," he moans from next to you, rubbing his face with his hands. You laugh at him lightly and without enthusiasm, trying not to be loud and draw attention to yourself, or embarrass yourself again.

As the flight attendants come into the aisle to demonstrate how everything works, you look at him and watch a smirk appear on his face.

Without warning he slaps on the cheesiest grin, mimicking the flight attendants and waving his arms vigorously, pointing to the exits and copying everything they do.

You cover your mouth with your hand to try and stifle your laugh, but the more he continues the harder it becomes. Suddenly a loud laugh escapes your lips and you quickly slap a hand over your mouth again as everyone looks at you, including the flight attendants, who look horrified.

You look over to the boy, who has stopped and is now staring at you and visibly trying not to laugh. As soon as you make eye contact you both explode into fits out laughter and can't stop until the tears stream down your faces.

The flight attendants walk back down the aisle, each of them glaring at you, making you both burst into fits of giggles again, until you finally calm down.

"Ah, that was hilarious!" he says, chuckling and looking at you. "I'm sorry, I don't even know your name."

"(y/n)," you reply with a smile.


Maybe this flight wouldn't be so bad after all.


Hi y'all!

This is my first danisnotonfire fic so I hope I do well. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter as I loved writing it, and I'll publish more soon!

Emma :) x


Perfect Strangers (A Dan Howell x Reader Novel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang