Chapter 13

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"Why are we travelling to the other side of London?" you ask Phil quizzically, trying to figure out what you could have been doing.

There's not much point in trying considering you've literally only been here a night and have no idea about anything.

"You'll see," he winks at you and you groan. He'd been saying that for the past half hour.

The tube finally comes to a stop.

"Algade East Tube Station,"the weird posh tube voice signals, and Phil gestures to you. This must be your stop.

Once you're out of the station Phil leads you around. You take a left and then cross the road, and you're beginning to get impatient now.

"Phil, where a-"

You cut yourself short as you look at the street around you.

The walls are covered top to bottom in beautiful street art. There are small buildings, doorways, towers, all of them covered with a different design.

It was absolutely breathtaking.

You glance over at Phil in awe and he chuckles at you, looking around. You slowly start to walk forward, studying all of the intricate designs and every little detail.

All of the art shows you a different story. A different person with a different life that has done a different piece from the one next to it. It was incredible.

"I thought you might like this place," Phil said, smiling at you, "and I hope that this is the start of a really wonderful friendship."

You stare at Phil and then throw your arms around him. "Of course," you respond, and then tug him along excitedly. "How did you know about this place?"

"My friend's a street artist. He's always told me to come here but, y'know, this part of London scares me," he says, chuckling to himself.

You keep walking through the beautiful streets until a certain piece catches your eye and you have to stop.

It was Banksy, you could recognise his work anywhere. He's painted a little girl who's just lost her balloon, it was love-heart shaped and red, and you read the words to the right of the painting.

There is always hope.

You stood there staring at the painting for quite a while. To anyone walking past you probably looked delusional, but you didn't mind. The art really drew you in and you let it consume you.

Why is this making me think about Dan?

You snap back to reality and continue walking. You can see Phil gazing around ahead of you, so you start to make your way over to him.

(y/n), why do you care about Dan so much?

You keep asking yourself questions.

You've only known him a day, how can you like him?

Why can't you get him off your mind? Focus on Phil! Look around you!

You reach Phil and he smiles at you. You smile back and keep walking the streets with him, trying not to think too much about the meanings of any of the masterpieces. The last thing you need is deep and meaningful right now.


Dan why are you doing this to yourself?

I let out a deep sigh and roll over again.

I'm in bed trying not to think about my life.

Why am I avoiding (y/n)?

She's no danger to you Dan.

Perfect Strangers (A Dan Howell x Reader Novel)Where stories live. Discover now