Bound by chains.

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The room felt dingy, cold, damp against her slightly tan skin. Her arms were taunt above her head pulling at her chest muscles, the whole weight of her body was pulling on the two appendages, straining to hold her weight up. Her head rested on her chest, long shaggy dirty blonde her fell over her face. There was a strain on the back of her neck and shoulders. She was sitting on the cobblestone floor, legs splayed before her, ankles cuffed, the damp soaked through her ragged trousers, leaving her wet and cold.

Taking a deep breath, she lifted her head, groaning slightly as her cramped muscles woke up. Opening her eyes slowly, her vision blurred, the room was rather dark. As she gained some form vision she looked quickly round the room to get her bearings.

It was a small dark room, all made of cobblestone. The only light that graced the room was that of a torch scone in the hallway, illuminating the iron bars that formed a barrier between herself and the hallway. She was sitting in an unfamiliar cell. Her eyes flicked to the cell opposite her, across the hall. A figure shifted, moving slightly closer to the bars.

"Glad t' see you awake" the person spoke, their voice echoed down the hall.

"I'm guessing this is some form of holding cell" the woman croaked out. Her mouth the dry like the deserts of hammerfell and her throat sore.

"An' you'd be correct" the figure chuckled lightly, there was a rasp to the voice.

"And where is this place located..?" She swallowed hard trying to moisten her constricting throat.

"Th' one in Nassau lass" the figure moved closer to the bars. Their features were illuminated in the dull hue of the scones.

It was a woman, wearing the same rags. She was pale, thin, almost gaunt looking. Her dark shoulder length hair was sporadically beaded, she had a scar down her face, it cut into the middle of her eyebrow and down to her right cheek bone. Her thin red lips were dry and cracked. Her hazel eyes looked sunken and bloodshot, as dark circles surrounded her eyes.

"Name's Mary...Mary Read" she smiled and nodded at the other woman.

"Ireth...Simuliaré" the tanned woman spoke.

"Ye are not from 'round 'ere are ye" Mary asked, sitting in front of the iron bars.

"I guess not" she huffed. Her mind was racing, where in the nine was she..?, why was she in prison...? Just before she could ask Mary a question there was a rattling in the cell next to her. Ireth heard a groan, a familiar groan at that.

"By Nocturnal's twilight, what in the name of sovngarde is this" the voice shouted, rattling the chains harder.

"BRYN IS THAT YOU!" Ireth called.

"The one and only" the Scottish voice called back. Ireth could just imagine the smirk on his face.

"We are sitting in prison and you're still being a smug asshole" Ireth shouted back.

"Ladies man of the Guild thank you very much...wait is that you Effy " he chuckled back.

"Oh I do love you, you beautiful bastard, Yes it is I" Ireth laughed heartily. So at least she wasn't alone in the escapade.

Mary silently watched the two new strangers shouting at each other. A small smile pulled at the corners of her lips, at least she wasn't alone in this hallway anymore, people have come and gone but recently she had been alone for a longer period of time and it had driven her insane. She squinted hard as she tried to look at the woman with a strange name opposite her. When she threw her head back and laughed, Mary got a good look at her.

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