The life and times of the mysterious Dragonborn

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As the other three left for the tavern Ireth called down to let them know that her and Brynjolf would catch up shortly.

Ireth pulled Brynjolf to one side.

"What's the matter lass" he asked her.

"I need to talk to you, out of ear shot" she said quickly. They left the Jackdaw and found little secluded place on the beach, hidden behind a huge rock.

"Okay what did you want to talk about?" Brynjolf questioned.

"If we are joining his crew we need armour" Ireth whispered.

"Are you planning a heist lass...?" Brynjolf whispered back with a knowing smirk.

"Aye that I am" She chuckled softly.

"Okay so what are you thinking..? " Brynjolf nodded to her.

"I'm thinking that we need a good starting point, a map or a tour of the island." She mumbled running a calloused hand through her untamed hair.

"Do you reckon they might still have our armour stored in the prison...?"he asked lowly.

"There will be one way to find out." She scratched the back on her neck.

"Hold up, when we hit that storm our crates were all still in the ship. Our cargo consisted of ingots and ores and who were we going to see..?" Brynjolf raised his eyebrows at the realisation.

"Glover" Ireth punched his arm.

If their cargo was in the prison they could steal it back. When they were travelling to Solstheim they were going on guild business. Delvin Mallory's brother Glover worked as a blacksmith at Raven Rock. He had sent word to Delvin about needing more materials from Skyrim, because there weren't many merchants openly trading anymore. Ireth and Brynjolf were sent out by Delvin to take materials over to him. They had a ton of ingots and ores in their crates, if the prison still had them all they would need to do would be to steal it all back, from there Ireth could smith anything she needed from armour to weapons.

"Undercover tonight, you and me, the prison, get our stuff back, like old times" Brynjolf nodded at her.

"We'll show Kenway what the Guild are all about" Ireth laughed. They made their way back to tavern to find Mary at a little table in the corner of the room eating some bread and Anne was working behind the bar. Ireth and Brynjolf joined Mary at the table.

"So where did you two go..?" She eyed them warily.

"No we didn't steal anything, we went for a walk along the beach. It has been so long since I've been on a beach under the suns rays." Ireth smiled "It reminded me of when I younger in the Summerset Isles" she recalled fondly.

"What was it like where you grew up..?" Mary asked, she was genuinely interested.

"The Summerset Isles were always beautiful. We lived on the little cut off island called Auridon. When I was born we lived in Skywatch, a beautiful city where everyone knew everyone. It had a very homely feel. I could go out and play with my friends without a worry, because we were a close knit community. As I grew up we moved to Firsthold. That was a change. It didn't feel right to start with because we were leaving everything we loved behind. Mother and Father never did tell me why we moved."

Ireth started as Anne made her way over from the bar.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt, may I join you...? As you probably have a interesting back story that I would love to hear" Anne asked softly, not wanting to sound rude.

"Of course, be my guest" Ireth motioned to a empty space and Brynjolf pulled his chair up closer.

"Okay so where did we get too..?" Anne asked.

"Ireth was saying about how she moved away from the city she was born in" Mary quickly got Anne up to speed.

"Anyway as I got older I started to become adventurous, I was all of about 12 winters old when I started to go out hunting for my family. Around this time the Aldmeri Dominion was being taken over by the Thalmor and my mother and father told me why we moved. My father was a wonderful mer, very smart too. He used to own a good business, so good in fact that the Thalmor had asked him to become a buisness partner. My father being a proud mer refused that offer because the Thalmor were already digging their noses into other people's lives. People were being executed for trivial things and my father didn't want any part of that. Our life in Firsthold was becoming easier. Then one night mother had just put me to bed and they came surging into our house, ordering his arrest. Mother came up to my room in a panic and hid me away so they didn't find me. My father was a skilled swordsman and quite honourable, he resisted the arrest and fought them as hard as he could. My father died fighting and they arrested my mother instead. They made an example of her, by public execution." Ireth looked at both women sitting at the table. Mary had stopped eating her bread as her jaw went slack and Anne was wide eyed.

"Would you like me to go and get us some drinks..?" Anne asked.

"Yes please, I feel like I need one" Ireth nodded.

"Please" Brynjolf spoke up from beside her.

Anne returned with a few bottles of drinks and placed them on the table.

"Please continue" Anne spoke.

"My aunt who lived in Vulkhel Guard at the time, travelled up to Firsthold as fast as she could, after hearing the news. When she arrived she found me in our house, in a chest that my mother had crammed me into. Aunty took me away and we fled to Skyrim, so we were out of the dominions grasp. We settled in a little hold called Falkreath. Aunty used to help out in the tavern to start with. The Jarl took some form of pity on us and gave us a little house with a little piece of land for farming. In a few later years there was an orphaned young dunmer girl, just outside of Falkreath, 5 winters younger than I. Me and Aunty adopted her and she became family. As time went on we travelled everywhere. Once we stopped at this Orc stronghold, we were still quite young at the time, they weren't going to let us in. But I'd heard about the Orcs and their gift with crafting heavy weapons and armour, and I wanted to learn from the best. After careful persuading they finally let us in. I was taught how to craft and how to fight. My sister was taught how to look after a house and cook. We returned to Falkreath to show our Aunty our new skills, but when we returned she had become ill. We looked after her and the farm and after a short period of time she passed." Ireth took a drink from her bottle.

"So what happened after that..?" Mary asked.

"A few years later my sister wanted to find out about her real parents, being a bit older she travelled to Morrowind. I kept up with the farming work and also helped Lod the town blacksmith. One day I had received a letter from my sister, she had found her birth parents, they wanted to meet me and thank me for looking after her for all those years. I travelled to Morrowind for a time, it was nice seeing my sister again. She told me she would send me letters and we could always travel to see each other. Upon returning to Skyrim I was snatched up by an Imperial ambush and that was when I was destined for the chopping block at Helgen" Ireth finished recalling her story as it was only yesterday this all happened.


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