Another round of stitch me up Doc.

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Brynjolf run into the town with Mary in his arms. The first place he headed to was the tavern. Bursting through the door he called out for help. A red headed female rushed out from behind the bar and ran over to them.

"Mary" she gasped as the looked at the ill woman in Bryn's arms.

"Quickly come with me" she said to him as she walked to the corner of the bar. She opened a secret door and headed upstairs, Brynjolf right on her tail. They entered a room at the top of the stairs that had two small single beds, a clothing partition, a small table in the middle of the room with chairs and a couple of cupboards along the walls.

"Please bring her here and put her on the bed" the woman motioned to the bed. Brynjolf did as instructed and placed Mary on the bed.

The red head started to work on Mary quickly.

"I'm Anne by the way" she smiled at him.

"Brynjolf" he nodded. "Do you have a spare blanket I can take with me...?" Brynjolf asked.

"Yes of course" Anne rooted through a chest next to the bed Mary was currently laid in. She pulled it out and handed it to him.

"Thank you, I shall return very shortly, I have another friend that needs medical assistance, but I have to go and get her" Brynjolf said walking towards the door.

"That's fine lad, bring her here" Anne nodded while concentrating on Mary.

"I shall return" Brynjolf nodded and headed downstairs and out of the tavern.

After careful navigation Brynjolf retraced his steps back to the spot they were last at. He headed into the lush vegetation, wading through the soft grass bare foot was nice. Heading through the canopy of tree's careful not to step on anything that will cause injury. He didn't have to look to far to find the woman in question, laying on her side fast asleep, snoring heavily. He walked over to her naked sleeping form, he bent down and wrapped the blanket around her body. Moving the hair stuck to her face by the sweat that had now dried on her tan skin. Gently grasping her shoulder he shook her softly.

"Effy" he whispered lowly. "Effy...come on now lass, I need you to wake up and come with me" Bryn leaned down closer to her ear. When the woman gave no inclination of waking up he shook her harder. "Come on girl" he huffed. Again nothing. Having to think fast he sat on his knees, bent down and licked the shell of her ear. When she didn't move, he started to nibble at her ear lobe. She stirred a bit mumbling incoherently and trying to swat his face away.

"Bryn..go away" she groaned softly. He sat there smiling to himself, she hadn't heard him the first couple of times so how would she of known it was him. He moved down to the soft flesh junction connecting her neck and shoulder and sunk his teeth into it. Instead of his intended reaction of her sitting bolt upright screaming obscenities and a swift fist of the nose he got no such reaction. Other than a soft gasp and moaning his name. Okay so not exactly what he was expecting. All of a sudden her eyes popped open, she sat bolt upright calling him everything under the sun and punched him square in the nose. Okay so there was the reaction he had been waiting for.

"What in the name of sheogoraths beard are you doing Bryn" she shouted at him.

"Sorry Lass, I did try and wake you up but you weren't having any of it, so I thought I'd try one of my usual tricks" he winked whilst covering his now bleeding nose.

"I'm sorry" she apologised.

"Doesn't matter, you're awake now and need help." He said standing up and holding his hand out for her. As she took his hand and stood up the blanket fell away from her, a dark rosy colour appeared on his cheeks. She punched his shoulder and bent down to get the blanket. Wrapping it under her armpits she secured it by tying it around her chest. It covered her body to her knees so she had some form of decency.

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