Still don't know what to call it

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   Ooooooooo, oooooooooo, laa, laa, laa, laaaaaaaaa

   Traveling from beyond all the blue skies

   Making my dreams while leaving my old self behind

  Maybe I'll see, how I can be, running through the seams

   That, right there, is all I have for it so far and it's been three days. I want the song to be similar to how Kikuo makes his songs, which to me, their songs are an inspiration. All of them are beautiful and, hell even pretty catchy despite the dark themes the song hold.

   Anyway, currently, I am in my room, thinking of ideas for lyrics while sipping an apple juice box. I have an extra tab on the chatting website just in case Kai texts me. Now back to work... great, I can't think of anything. I slump my head onto the pillow in frustration. Squishing it from my current bitterness. Although after calming down, I considered taking a break, which so I did.

   I turn my body towards my nightstand and snatch the red headphones that laid there on the side. I connect it to my computer and go on YouTube.


   "Around and around seeing as I found how the world could ignore me screaming aloud."

   I ended up listening to Juby songs, forgetting that I needed to work.

   "Not even knowing a thing that day, soon-,"

   "Audrian! I need help with something!" Cora took out my headphones and yelled straight into my ear. I'm now shaking from the sudden bombshell. If I haven't told you before, she is ridiculously loud.

   "What do you want?" I said in a more bothered way, though my mind was buzzing with her echoes.

   "Wellllllll, you know how I haven't posted anything for a couple of months?"

   "Yeah, I saw your notifications, your fanboys are starting to rage." I said with a matter of fact tone.

   "I was thinking maybe we can make another collab." She's trying to sound persuadable, which she tries every time.

   "What's in it for me?" I ask.

   Cora's standing there with no clue what to say. I just look at her with sceptic eyes. She always tries to have us make a collab since they usually get us more views, and that she's too lazy to make stuff by herself. However, she suddenly takes my laptop away from my grasp.

   "Hey! Give it back!" but she continued to wander around my precious device. Until she stopped and presented me with my own wrote that I couldn't work on.

   "You might get something better than this." She has a savvy look to her face as she said it. Although, I can't blame her, the idea was cringe in the first place.

   I reluctantly say, "Fine." in defeat.

   "Good." She put down my laptop gently on my desk and walked back to me. "Now, what should it be about?"

   "I don't know." I say irritated, shrugging my shoulders sluggishly to express it.

   "You seem moody today."

   "You interrupted my Juby."

   "Too bad. Anyway, let's start with the basis, shall we?"

   "Okay." Cora's starting to drumroll on her lap with her hands. "How about a kingdom... falling to an end? With destruction and death?" Her voice is quite positive while saying such a grim thought.

A Song For You and the InternetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang