Grimmpocalypse AU

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(This AU is inspired by Drwalf's work, Zombie Apocalypse AU - Bumblebee and Whiterose. I love the chapter very deeply and I was given permission from Drwalf, the sweet author herself, to create my own AU influenced by her work.  Shout out to you, Mommy Senpai!)

The world has gone into ruins and chaos thanks to a science experiment gone wrong at Atlas.

All of this discord started when a new type of dust was found under the Earth's crust. It was pitch black and was infused with some small bits of red and yellow crystals and also had some white spikes pointing out, being able to easily pierce skin. When dust scientists discovered the rather strange dust, they decided to nickname it Grimm dust, due to its appearance sharing the same color scheme as those beasts. When the dust was brought to the labs to be carefully tested, a scientist accidentally added fire dust to a Grimm dust formula, causing an explosion in the lab. When the black smog cleared up, the other dust scientists saw a large Beowolf-like humanoid wearing torn up clothes and lab coat. It proceeded to attack them, knocking over beakers and flasks full of chemicals and biting the scientists and trying to tear up their bodies. The surviving chemists who were bitten by the former scientist started to transform into Beowolf humanoids themselves, causing a Grimm virus to spread. Eventually, all of the chemists turned into Grimm humanoids and broke out of their lab and charged right into the public. 

Unfortunately, it was dark out when this event occurred. Fan-fucking-tastic. 

Atlas citizens left and right were being torn up by the coal-black humanoids, shrieking and screaming bloody murder. The creatures broke into homes and attacked the residents swiftly. Soldiers were quickly called to take out the beasts, but were outsmarted by them and they easily dodged the Atlesian Knight-200s' attacks and tore the machines into pieces. The panic attracted even more Grimm who lived far from Atlas and they started to assist the humanoids. Soon, Atlas was close to being taken over by the Grimm humanoids shockingly and the surviving Atlas officials immediately made announcements to the other kingdoms that an apocalypse has started at their home country and desperately needs their assistance to survive.

But oh, how little did they know they sent their warnings a bit too late.

The Grimm humanoids have quickly evolved and gained different sorts of powers, such as flight and swimming skills. In large numbers, humanoids who were able to travel incredibly long distances by either flying or swimming arrived at the other kingdoms, attempting to wreak havoc on them like how they did to Atlas. Of course, with the sudden panic and announcements,   it attracted Grimm, adding more to the damage on the citizens and kingdoms and in a handful of hours, a Grimmpocalypse has started on Remnant.

It's unknown on how the humanoids and Grimm were able to start this humongous mess in just hours.

All of the surviving citizens and huntsman/huntresses quickly decided to team up together to survive, but even in dire circumstances, there are backstabbers and traitors. Across the kingdoms, there are several survivor groups with one main objective (stay alive) but different goals (some are to find other survivors, some are to steal valuables, etc.). Basically, people who haven't turned into abominations are often playing a gamble; they're not entirely sure on who to trust, even if the person they're with are their very close friend.

However, those trust issues and concerns didn't really affect team RWBY and team JNPR. They managed to survive the horrible events that happened that night and got together to form a survival group. The eight of them agreed to achieve two objectives: stay alive and find other survivors.

After the Grimm fright calmed down a bit,  the two teams searched throughout Beacon Academy, looking for any other survivors. They defeated any humanoids and Grimm that they spotted in the academy and checked any dorm that they come across. Of course, they encountered corpses of students, some being horribly mangled while others lost a majority of their body. You could just imagine the horrified expressions on the eight team members.

After thoroughly checking Beacon, the teams oddly didn't find any survivors. It could be assumed some of the students fled the school, others were infected and turned into humanoids, and/or some unfortunately got killed by the humanoids.

Not being able to find any other students or teachers, team RWBY and team JNPR gathered as much as vital materials they can and cautiously exited the academy, keeping watch for any dangers. Of course, the place near the school is a gigantic mess. It is now team RWBY's and team JNPR's duty to try and fulfill their goals and stay alive.


Since he brought a spare notebook with him, Ren decided to write his journey with his teammates in his notebook, turning it into a diary. He also noted down the various types of Grimm his huge team would encounter, listing their abilities and weaknesses. Keeping track of the different types of enemies will help the team avoid any fatal events, hopefully.

(Idea for writing this AU: write a work in Ren's point of view in diary format.)

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