Ghost AU

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Genre: Modern and Paranormal. (Meaning no Grimm, semblances, all of that jazz. Faunus is a thing, however.)

(This AU is inspired by Creep-P's original song, "Exorcism." This AU is supposed to be a Halloween AU, but this is a bit late.)

Ruby and Yang are simply students at Beacon Academy. All is well until a wealthy student named Weiss Schnee got murdered horrifically by an unknown killer. One of the suspects is a Cat Faunus named Blake Belladonna, one of Yang's best pals. The poor blonde is worried like hell.

After that tragedy came to a chain of events.

People around the area are going missing, some are committing suicide or homicide with no motives, and there seems to be paranormal activity and ghost encounters nearly everywhere.

Ruby, Yang, and Blake have their own handful of eerie confrontations and they notice something odd: the spirits they recall appear to be from different sorts of time eras and even continents.

Ruby met the ghost of a male soldier who has messy blond hair and royal blue eyes at the grocery store, gazing at the cereal section with ugly and bloody scars around his neck.

Yang found a spirit of a girl her age wearing a deep vermilion dress at the library, the ghost's emerald eyes pained as she looks over at a book about some kind of witch trial.

Blake discovered how a phantom of a female Rabbit Faunus with chocolate brown hair can be seen sitting in the middle of a grassy field, her long ears heavily scarred and her clothes tattered, as if she had been whipped endlessly.

To add more unease, Blake has a feeling that something is stalking her rather often. Her most recent encounter on this topic is suddenly feeling freezing cold and seeing one electric blue eye pierce into her soul in the darkness.

Why are there so many spirits and misfortune present right after the Schnee murder case occurred?

Who would murder the icy heiress in the first place?

Why are there different sorts of phantoms here in this particular area?

And of course, what exactly is following Blake?


Weiss felt a tremendous adrenaline rush surge through her skin as a masked individual pinned her against the dewy grass, restraining her. She screamed, but only for a little bit as the figure firmly shut her mouth with his hand. The heiress tried to thrash around, kick and bite on whatever kind of demon is doing this to her, but her pursuer simply restrained her with more burly strength. The demon then took out his weapon of choice: a brand new knife, perfect for slicing fresh livestock. It gleamed in the cold moonlight, much to Weiss' horror. She struggled even more under her threat, attempting to screech or injure the beast. She wanted someone to save her or at least, hear her.

That's when Weiss felt her side get stabbed by the weapon. The pain was unbearable and she could feel the vital red liquid pour out her wound. She tried to use her last bits of strength to escape her soon-to-be-killer, but to her dismay, she's trapped in the Butcher's grasp as he hacked and jabbed away.

She flailed. He stabbed. 

Gashes scattered across the heiress' chest and stomach and the searing agony severely weakened her vocal chords for help. Before she can slip away, what Weiss Schnee saw last is the glowing full moon, the scarlet markings on her murderer's mask, and the blade right above her left eye.


Edit: I decided I should state some concrete facts about this AU. Just to clear up some things if questions were to appear. Since I'm not planning to make this AU into a full work with plot and everything else, it's alright for me to say these things.

-Weiss is now a poltergeist. She haunts Blake, thinking that she was the one who murdered her. Her dislikeness towards the Faunus simply gives her the cause to haunt the poor Cat Faunus. The reason why she's a ghost is to kill her murderer and have revenge, so she attempts to murder Blake each night. A funny thing I thought of is that Blake somehow gets used to this life-threatening routine and casually dodges the spirit's attacks.

-Weiss' ghost form is her usual school uniform with several stab wounds on her chest and stomach. Her left eye has been gouged out by her killer, leaving a rather bloodied eye socket.

-Weiss' killer is connected to Blake. Considering that he wore a mask with red markings when he murdered Weiss and that he's male, we can easily guess who this guy is.

-The male ghost Ruby saw is Jaune, a young man who died in a frenzied war. He got his head blown up by a bomb that was thrown in his face. His regret is not being able to make his family proud.

-The spirit Yang saw is Pyrrha, an unfortunate victim who died in the Salem Witch Trials. She got accused by a shifty woman with ink-black hair and golden eyes and was burnt at stake. (Guess who the accuser was~) Her regret is not being able to prove that she did nothing wrong in the first place and how she was unable to find true love.

-The rabbit phantom Blake saw is Velvet, a Rabbit Faunus who was enslaved and was forced to work for a cruel, greedy master who had orange hair and acid-green eyes. She attempted to escape with her other Faunus friends and was so close to freedom, only to get caught and get whipped to death for punishment. Before her demise, however, she was forced to watch her friends die from terrible torture. Her regret is not being able to feel what freedom is like and not being able to help her friends.

-All of these coincidences from each of the ghosts' pasts are connected.

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