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A few weeks later Garroth went to see Aaron and Aphmau

Aphmau-so how's it been going?
Garroth-good we have been to see the doctor to see if it is possible and she said it is defiantly possible so it's just a matter of waiting
Aaron-that's great Garroth
Garroth-I know and we will have the house to ourselves so because Dante and Travis are moving to their own house
Aphmau-cool so what's up?
Garroth-oh yeah I almost forgot I have been thinking since me and Laurence are trying for a baby I want to ask him to marry me
Aaron-yeah I think it great but you know....
Garroth-know what?
Aaron-because of your family your going to have media coverage so that means that your dads going to find out
Garroth-I know and that's what I'm counting on I want my father to see that I am getting married to Laurence so that he may come to the wedding
Aphmau-Garroth I....
Garroth-I know it may be a bad idea but I don't care
Aaron- Garroth i love it and it's a great idea before Laurence gets pregnant
Garroth-I know so I'm going to do it tonight at the roof top bar
Aaron-where the media are based to her a glimpse of the celebrity's
Garroth-yes so my father will find out about the engagement and maybe he'll contact me
Aphmau-that's a great idea Garroth so when is this happening?
Garroth-tonight...we'll all go tonight

That night Garroth, Laurence, Aphmau and Aaron went to the roof top bar and Garroth saw.....

Garroth-my dad
Aphmau-Garroth don't worry you'll be fine

Aphmau, Aaron and Laurence went straight to their table but Garroth walked right past the table and saw his mother and father

Zianna-GARROTH!!*she runs over and hugs him*
Garroth-hi mommy it's good to see you...*he looks at his dad*hello father how are you?
Garte-what are you doing here?
Garroth-well actually I'm here with my friends and Laurence
Garte-heh still going with that are you?
Garroth-The person you just called that happens to be my boyfriend dad and I love him
Garte-again I'm not your father anymore Garroth
Garroth-well maybe you'll think different and come to my wedding well if he says yes that is
Zianna-your going to propose? When?
Garroth-now that's why I'm here
Zianna-but you'll over the news
Garte-no Garroth I forbid this you'll ruin us
Garroth-I don't care this is my life goodbye

Garroth walked away as Garte tried to follow him but Zianna holds him back

Laurence-Garroth? Is that you father? What's wrong?
Garroth-Laurence I know that we haven't been together for long *everyone is looking at Garroth and Laurence, including and Garte is trying to run at garroth*
Laurence-omi Garroth what are you...
Garroth-I love you so much Laurence I want the whole country to know how much I love you so...* he pulls out a ring box*
Laurence-omi Garroth I...
Garroth-please I love you so much and I want to have a family with you and I want to.... will you marry me Laurence?
Garte-NO!!!*garte runs at Garroth and starts hits him until Zianna pulls him off. Garroth falls to the floor*YOU CANT DO THIS GARROTH YOU ARE A ROMEAVE!!!
Garroth-*garroth is bleeding from a cut on his head and his nose he also has a black eye*I...I don't want to be a romeave if I can't be myself and me being myself is me being with the man of my dreams
Garte-you are no son of mine come Zianna let's go!
Zianna-he is our son Garte and if you can't except him then you need to leave because I support Garroth and Laurence all the way
Garte- fine good ridens all of you* he leaves*
Laurence-Garroth.. are you ok?
Garroth-even though I'm battered and bruised and I have just lost my father I am the happiest I have ever been
*laurence kisses garroth*
Garroth-what?what are you...
Laurence-yes I'll marry you!
Garroth-REALLY!*he hugs him tight*
Zianna-Garroth I.... I'm so sorry for what I did when you were younger
Garroth-it's ok mom I'm just happy i finally follow my heart
Laurence-heh so am I thank you Zianna
Zianna-your welcome Laurence

Garroth and Laurence stood up and Garroth put the ring on Laurence and everyone started cheering

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